Ayla chuckled, but gave him a nod. "I'll tell her, okay?" she asked, knowing he was right. Derek nodded. "And I'll be back tonight," she promised, with no intention of breaking that promise. But unfortunately, she had no idea how her priorities would shift by sunset.


The words "Werewolf-Doctor" flashed across Ayla's phone screen, making her frown. Deaton typically didn't call her, especially not at school. She figured he just wanted his books back and clicked ignore. She sent him a quick text instead. In chem, u need something???

She looked up as she heard a textbook hit the teacher's desk. She found Ms. Blake instead of Mr. Harris.

"Good morning. As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing- I mean, sick," she quickly corrected herself.

Ayla frowned at the woman. Derek had told her that the English teacher had helped him while he was still hurt, but the she-wolf still felt like there was something off about her.

"Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?" Ms. Blake asked everyone.

Ayla began pulling out her things for class, but stopped to check for a message from Deaton. The message showed it had been seen, but she had no response. She frowned as she saw Scott answering his own phone in the seat in front of her. "Hey, Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now. Can I call you back later?" he whispered.

"Unfortunately, no," Deaton told him. "I honestly thought that I might never have to burden you like this, but I'm afraid, at the moment, you're my only hope. I'm going to be taken. I need you to find me."

"Doc, Doc? Doc, what's happening?" Scott asked in a panic, but Deaton had hung up. He turned in his seat to look at Ayla. He could tell just by her face that she had listened in.


Both werewolves of course went running to try to save the vet. Ayla called Isaac on the way, asking him to go help Derek come up with something. Him and Boyd were supposed to come up with some plan, while she helped Scott deal with their new problem.

Both teenagers ran into the animal clinic, only to be met by the Sheriff and one of his deputies. "How did you know?" Scott asked.

"Stiles called me as soon as you two left school," the Sheriff explained. He looked at the two worried teenagers. "I'm sorry."

Scott stumbled back and took a seat. Ayla put a hand on his shoulder as guilt chewed at her. Why had she ignored his call?

"Deaton's car is still here, and the back door was wide open," the Sheriff told them. He then looked at Ayla in confusion. "Can I ask what you're doing here?"

"Oh," she said, shrugging as she thought of an appropriate answer. "Umm, he's a family friend. He's been helping me deal with some things since I moved here."

He nodded, looking between her and Scott. "Well, I need you two to tell me everything," he told them.


The Sheriff questioned both teenagers about what Deaton had said and why he would call them. Of course, neither could give up the honest answer. He eventually left them alone and Stiles showed up. The three teenagers were sitting together as they waited on the Sheriff to tell them something.

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