Sirius grabbed the letter and read it once again. Alex's family hated her just because she was a werewolf. They did not needed her when she was like this. Sirius felt disgusted, what kind of parents push away their child after something like that. And they blamed Alex for that. Sirius didn't believe that Alex was guilty whatsoever, but he didn't knew the story and all the facts.

Sirius chuckled because Alex's family reminded him so much of his own. Now he understood Alex much better. He put the letter back into envelope and then threw it into his trunk, and then returned to the rest of the papers on Remus's bed.

Sirius had just finished sorting all the papers, books and parchments and sat on his own bed, when Alex stepped in the room. She had torn jeans, simple sweater and Chuck Taylors on, her hair was soft and wavy as always, she smiled her usual joyful smile and her eyes radiated warmth. Sirius did not give a damn that she was a werewolf. She was amazing.

"I'm starving like a wolf," Sirius laughed about her choice of words while she continued to come to him, "pleeeeeeese, let's go to dinner." She sat on top of him and pushed Sirius on his back. He instinctively put his hands on her sides and breathed in her smell before she leaned in and kissed him.

When Alex kissed him it was like he had never kissed another girl before, every time it felt like his first kiss. He adored that Alex made him feel that way.

"You know what," he said when they finished kissing, "tomorrow we should go out on a proper date, because day after tomorrow everybody is returning from holidays."

"Do you have any suggestions about the date already?" she smiled mischievously.

"We could sneak out to Hogsmeade and spend the day there," Sirius suggested knowing that Alex really liked the village, "and in the evening we could smuggle in some firewhiskey and get drunk?" he asked rising his eyebrows.

"Sounds perfect," she smiled widely and kissed him again. "But please can we go and eat now?" Alex was already dragging him to the door, Sirius laughed because he knew why Alex could eat so much; she was werewolf.


They were in the Three Broomsticks; Sirius had ordered drinks and dinner. It was Saturday's evening and pub was full of people. Under the table were some bags that testified to the great day they had spent. It was really amazing.

Now he observed Alex who sat opposite of him and looked out the window. It was snowing all day, at this moment snow fell with big and heavy snowflakes. Alex's elbows was on the table and she held her hands. Unconsciously she bit her index finger, that amused Sirius, but he did not wanted to laugh aloud, because that would mean that Alex would probably stop doing that.

Alex was wearing Christmas sweater, which Sirius had bought despite all her protests. And that's the reason why he sat there wearing "ugly" Christmas sweater which Alex had bought him saying that she would wear hers only if he had his own.

Alex's hair was in the bun, but couple of disobedient hair strands fell on her face, her cheeks were blushed from all the walking outside, but she looked cute. Sirius liked that Alex always looked great with or without make-up.

If he didn't knew better, he would be convinced that Alex was a goddess who has decided to live on this earth. And based on this alone everyone should adore her. But... in Sirius's eyes she was a goddess.

"How are we going to tell everybody that we are together?" Alex interrupted Sirius's train of thoughts. "Because I assume that we are together right?" she smirked.

Sirius laughed. "I don't know how to announce that," he continued to laugh. "But I believe that everyone is expecting that – we getting together."

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