"Damn she stayed after catching you cheating" Jodie chimed in, "RIDER" she yelled

Jay nodded in agreement, Sadie was just sitting there intrigued by the story. What she couldn't understand was how could people know that you're good for them and still do wrong by you.

"Man she was the definition of a rider but I fucked up and got one of my hoes pregnant. And I love my daughter I do but—if I never slipped up like that I probably would've still been with ole girl"

"Awwww" Brad faked wiped tears, "it's never to late to get her back"

"Shit I tried, she's married with a son now" Jay shook his head, "that shit broke my heart when I seen it"

"What about you" Brad nudged Sadie in the arm, "you ever let one get away?"

Jodie eyes burning a hole into Sadie. She felt the pressure in the room, her story wasn't nothing in comparison to Jay's because her person was right in the room. "Uh yeah something like that" she said

"You got a sappy backstory like Jay" he asked causing Jay to flick him off.

"I mean" stealing quick glances over at Jodie, "it was back when I was younger—it doesn't matter now"

"Gone ahead don't be shy" Jay spoke

Being shy wasn't the problem, it was the fact that the person she was thinking about was currently looking dead at her. "I was friends with this person. It was just a situation where I didn't tell them how I felt."

"Damn" Jay said, watching Sadie. "That's even worst than mines"

"Nigga how you figure" Brad frown , "you had a good one and cheated. Sadie just didn't tell her person how she felt"

"But why" Jodie finally spoke up, "do you think it could've been a possibility that you two would've been together right now today?"

"Nah" Sadie nodded, bringing the rim of the glass to her lips, "this person has a whole new life and I'm glad for them" shrugging her shoulder, "it just wasn't meant to be. That's how I see it"

"How would you know" Jodie asked, her eyes never leaving Sadie's, "you never spoke up"

"It doesn't matter" Sadie replied trying to get the attention taken off from her.

Jay nodded while Brad just stared like he was confused. Jodie didn't say anything, and Sadie was wondering why. Why was she so invested in her person that got away. "Well" Jay spoke up ending the silence, "this concludes the end of Lips & Wine, hosted my homie JodieP"

"And we as a family want to give thanks to Sadie—the runway model that's giving LA a for run its money. We greatly appreciate you taking the time out your schedule to be here"

"No problem, came for a friend" she smiled, looking over at Jodie for a quick second.

Brad got up from the couch and walked over to the camera that sat in front of them to cut it off. "We gotta get you to come back" he said, grinning, "aren't you friends with Crystal Stars" he spoke again.

"Nigga" Jodie chimed in, "Sadie ignore him, he slid into her dms and she left him on read"

Jay busted into laughter causing Brad to scrunch up his face. "She didn't leave me on read" he told, "she just accidentally forgot to respond"

Jodie waved him off as she stood from the couch turning towards Sadie. She stuck out her hand to help her up. She looked up at her for a minute before taking her offer and being pulled from the couch. "Let me walk you to your car" she said

The two walked out the studio and down the hall out the building. As Jodie walked ahead of her, Sadie took this opportunity to gaze at her appearance. The burgundy shorts she wore, matched her mid Air Jordan Ones. The simple black shirt complimented her skin—today her hair was different from the braids she usually wore, today it was in a messy bun showing off her freshly cut hairline.

When they approached Sadie's Jeep, she turned to motion for her to unlock her doors. Fumbling in her purse she pulled out her keys and chirped the door. "Thanks for coming" she smiled, pulling the door open, resting her arm over it.

"Can I tell you something" she asked, leaning on the door as Sadie slid into the drivers seat.


"I'm glad we met again" she said eyeing Sadie as her tongue swiped over her lips, "and I'm sorry for doing you how I did all those years. You were nothing but a good friend to me and you didn't deserve that. So—"

"I'm going to do better and make it right by you. I'm not saying our relationship would be how it was five years ago but it's going to be something."

As she spoke to her Sadie couldn't help but to watch her every movement. With every word that left her mouth Jodie would avoid eye contact when Sadie's eyes locked on her. She spoke to her as if she was nervous but to Sadie— she had nothing to be nervous about.

"Drive safe" she said once again. She leaned in to pull her into a hug. Whatever fragrance she wore made Sadie knees buckle. "Text me when you make it home Aight" she furrowed her brows making sure she understood.

She couldn't help but to just nod. Jodie shared the same gesture before closing the door, giving her one more glance before walking off. Sadie watched her in her rear view mirror until she went back into the building. Yet another time she let her walk away.

© 2021

Here & Now


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