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  His pouty lips tug on his features, creases formed around his mouth. Legs crossed, he looks towards me. Our eyes meet in a silent challenge.
"You've heard of Shakespeare, yes? To be or not be, Will?"
I answer monotone.
He tilts his head and I squint in annoyance.
"Well what."
"To be or... to not."
That has to be the stupidest question I've ever heard.
"Can I choose for you? To not."
I answer with a smile, but he smiles back.
"No I'm afraid not. But I can tell you my choice, if you'd like."
  I roll my eyes and press my head against the cement wall. The bars of my cell block his smug face and for a moment I'm peaceful.
"I think life is for me to take advantage of, to live to the fullest."
"Yes you certainly do take advantage of life. Lives, if you will. Y'know, others people's."
"Oh, Will. In a bad mood, are we? Have you got someone else's dick up your ass?"
I scoff, almost a choke.
"Mm, you heard."
His eyes trail down my body, then come back up to meet mine. Slowly, he continues.
"To end our time today, think on that."
My eyebrows pull together.
"Think on what??"
Hannibal's eyes glint and he answers with a grin.
"Shakespeare, Will. What else?"
My face turns hot
He sits up, shrugging on his coat.
"Goodbye, Will."
I mumble through my hand.

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