They Deserve This 😐

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(AN) when Mitski said "i know I've kissed you before but I didn't do it right, can I try again?" I rethought my entire definition of love

Will's POV

  I wake up to see Hannibal Lecter asleep next to me. I let a smile play on my lips as I observe him. I watch his chest rise and fall with each breath he takes. He looks so peacful in that moment that I forget everything wrong with anything. His eyes flutter open and sleepily gaze at me.
"Sleep well?"
I ask softly. He smirks
"Any night I spend with you it is hard to get much sleep."
I laugh, a knowing smile on my lips. He places his hand on my unkept face, catching my eyes in his. Smiling, I lean into him, draping my arm across his body.
"I could spend all eternity with you and always remember this moment."
He smiles, the creases on his face just begging me to kiss them. So I do. I lean forward and press delicate kisses all around his face, then one on his lips. I can feel his smile and I pull away carefully to see him dreamily gazing at me.
I ask, laughing softly.
he tucks a stray hair behind my ear
"You're just so beautiful."
My heart tugs and I smile. Hannibal gently runs his thumb across my cheek and I hold onto his hand with mine, leaning into his presence.
"I love you, Will."
He looks at me, sincerity shining in his eyes.
"I love you too."
I whisper, truly understanding that I would die for this man.

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