bad day

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relationship status: you've been in a relationship with vinnie for almost 6 months now, he still lives at the hype house and you live in your own apartment with you're best friend.

relationship status: you've been in a relationship with vinnie for almost 6 months now, he still lives at the hype house and you live in your own apartment with you're best friend

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it was a Friday night, almost close to midnight. Lately I've been modeling for brands, not as a job but more of a task type thing. Anyways, I recently collaborated with this company, who had bitchy owners. The pay is great and all but they always tell people what they should change about themselves, including me. Only reason why I'm still with them is because rent has been tough for me and when you're struggling to pay for your own house, you kinda have to push yourself to do the things you don't want to.

Social media pays well but this just makes things a little easier for me. Vinnie has been great, helping me get through all the stressful times photo-shoots offer.

Today was especially tough, knowing it's a Friday.
I walked through my apartment, wiping away the tears that fell down my cheeks during the drive home. Setting my purse down, i made my way to the kitchen where my best friend was at. Ever since I moved to L.A. we' ve been roomies.

"finally you're off work, hey guess what, I made some cake, hahahahah it says men suck, I thought you would like it," she glanced up at me who was zoning out, "you alright y/n?"

my head nodded and I sat down on the kitchen bar stool. Then again, everything that happened at work today with the owner telling me I wasn't a very pretty person to model her clothing ran through my head. I shook my head 'no' once tears staring coursing there way down my rosy cheeks. "what's wrong y/n/n? Work again?" I just nodded and she came over, embracing me in a warm hug. It didn't last long till I pulled away. "I'm gonna be in my room." She nodded and excused herself. As I went inside I shut the door behind me, letting out quiet sobs.

It wasn't just the job that was getting the best of me but including the fact I was on my period and very emotional.

A few minutes passed and I decided to clean my act up. I took a shower, which was very un-enjoyable due to the fact there was no hot water. I slipped on panties and vinnies shirt that he let me borrow.

I went into the living room, seeing bsf/n doing her college homework on the couch. A short smile appeared on her face and I did the same, grabbing a few snacks. "If it's alright with you, vinnies on his way. I called him earlier" she told me.

i nodded and went back into my room, rewatching Twilight on Netflix. Minutes passing, my eyes beamed through the food in front of me and tears swelled up in my eyes again.

With all the stress I've had going on, I've had no appetite. Should I even eat? They don't think I'm pretty enough? Starving myself seems best.

My head shook and I started chewing onto the gronolla bar. The burning, throbbing sensation in my throat as I tried swallowing. All I wanted was to lay in my boys arms and have him calm me down. That's all that's needed. All I will ever want.

𝑉𝐼𝑁𝑁𝐼𝐸 𝐻𝐴𝐶𝐾𝐸𝑅 𝐼𝑀𝐴𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝑆Where stories live. Discover now