♣️✖️⭕️ Glitching Encounters ⁉️🗝♣️

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"This isn't a black and white world....this isn't your story.....everyone has something to tell but you hold that power to let those stories be told..... but you forgot me, just like everyone else.....in that case... if I can't be the hero of my own story, I'll be the villain of yours" -???

(Gamer-Over's POV) 

The light shined bright at me face as I sat in the table with Bipper and Finn looking from across "before we begin, I'd just like you to know that you are free to tell us as much as you want....we don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable after what has...happened... therefore if you have something to share but don't feel comfortable with it, you don't have to...if it's important you can let us know at a later time" said Bipper. I nodded in silence "2 months have passed after you sudden...kidnapping, and we are still sorry for not coming sinner or at all...but we are trying our best to track down this...'glitch gang' and since we are limited, we are gonna need some info from you.... Is that clear?" I nodded once again in silence as Finn took a step back. Bipper pulled out a clip board and pen and began "now.... November 19, 3014XX....somewhere around 12:30pm to 1:00pm is when you were kidnapped right?" I nodded "yeah....I was sent a note and then got hit in the back of the head, making me unconscious..." he started to write that down "a hammer right? Yikes.... Could you possibly tell us most of what happened once you finally woke up?" He asked. I stayed silent for a while...despite it being a while ago the story is still confusing to me...I don't want to tell them all, but it needs to be told....my story needs to be told "....well it was about a week or 2 and a half later when I woke up.... I was tied up and alone...." 

 I blinked my eyes twice and looked around, I looked down to see my self tied up in a chair "shit....what is this place?" I asked my self looking up at the high celling of the room. I shaked my self trying to get out of these....binary chains? weird I guess "ugh....there has to be a way out" I said. I Thought of an idea, I reached my tail to my pocket and tried to pull out my buzzsaw, I was struggling  a bit "come on, come on" I managed to get it out and....it drops on the floor "FUCK!" I yelled. I heard foot steps coming and I panicked, I swepped the buzzsaw stick in the back as the door opened to 2 people coming in. "Seriously R0rR3 I asure you this will be easy!" they said "I don't know Robin...they are...well you know" "relax it will be fin- Hey look! our little friend is awake!" They said as soon as they saw me. I glared at them "where am I!? what do you guys want!?" "Woah woah, easy there buddy.... Lord Hackdex just wanted to bring you here to meet up with you is all!" she seemed to act so friendly around me, despite the situation here. I tried to grab the buzzsaw as I kept taking, trying to distract them "so where am I and what do you want with me?" R0rR3 answered the question "well your in what we will call our lair, as for why.... we aren't sure of that as well as ʎᴚuƐH wanted you here for some weird reason" I rolled my eyes "great no help at all" I said. 

 Robin was suddendly behind me as they grabbed the buzzsaw stick behind me "Oooooh! what's this!" she asked, R0rR3 sighed in annoyance "Robin don't go picking random things up, they could hurt you" he said. Robin ignoring his request pressed the button and so the buzzsaw appeared from the tiny stick "Woah! that's cool!" they said, I looked up at the buzzsaw and then down at robin who was now near me, I smirked "yeah cool right?" I flipped the chair backwards causing them to fall over and drop the buzzsaw. I grabbed it with my mouth and untied my legs, R0rR3 started to rush over me but I jumped up and knocked him down to the floor as I untied my self from the back and grabbed the saw. "I'm sure you thought that was cool too huh fuckos!" I put my mask back up and ran out as they both chased me down, probably pissed. 

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