Chapter 6 ~ I'm so sorry

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A/N: Play "Unspoken words" by Mxmtoon on any streaming service!

Atsumu's POV:

Practice ended earlier than usual which gave our team some free time after school. Kita, Suna, Samu, Aran and I made plans to hangout later that night which we haven't done in a while. The guys and I quickly changed out of our sweaty uniforms and headed out. Kita was lecturing us when we heard faint yelling from the front of the school.

"You are such an embarrassment! Why do you have to always pick fights and cause trouble?"

Y/N stood in front of her mother with her arms crossed and an empty look in her eyes. Kita stopped talking and we all watched the poor girl get yelled at.

"I leave for a couple of days and I get a fucking call from your principal saying that you should be expelled? What the fuck is wrong with you, you brat?!" Her mom spat.

Y/N looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me? You're are such a hypocrite mom!"

A loud slap echoed through the school campus as Y/N's head jolted to the side. As much as I hated that girl, she didn't deserve to be hit. She rubbed her cheek as it was forming a dark pink colour.

"Don't you dare come home you ungrateful child" She pushed her daughter away.

Y/N''s mom walked away and I watched the small girl sob into her grey shirt. All of us wanted to say something, but what? She clearly hates us all and she wouldn't want help from us.

"Come on let's go guys" Suna said as he walked away.


It was late at night when we decided to go out and buy some snacks. It was also pouring outside so we all grabbed an umbrella and left Suna's house. It was still raining really hard on our way back and my shoes were soaked. Kita and Aran were talking about universities when I notice a girl leaning on bus stop pole soaked completely. I tap Suna's shoulder and he looks at where I'm pointing and he calls out to the girl.

"Y/N?" He says softly.

We stop walking and stand there in confusion while Suna quickly runs up to her, covering her in his umbrella. He shakes her and she doesn't move or say anything.

"Oh god Y/N not this again, what's wrong?"

No answer. Tears roll down the girls face and some of us noticed blood dripping down her face.

"Guys can we bring her back to my place?"

We all nod and Suna holds her arm gently as we walk to his place.

We pull down our umbrellas and walk up to Suna's room. We watch him grab some clean clothes out of his drawers and bring them inside the washroom. He then brings Y/N into the washroom.

"Okay here are some clean clothes Y/N and there are some fresh towels in the cabinet. Go take a hot shower, your hands are frozen."

She nods then he pushes her into the washroom and she locks the door.

"Suna what the hell is going on?" I ask.

As soon as the shower starts running he sits down on the bed.

"Y/N is an old friend of mine and I know the shit that she goes through..."

"The summer before highschool, we got into a fight and stopped talking to each other. Her mom is a drunk and I remember her getting kicking her out every so often over something small and Y/N would come crash a my place."

I look down at my chips and sigh.

Suna takes a sip from his tea, "She does this thing where she completely shuts down and it's really scary. It's like she's unable to function.

Suna runs his hands through his hair and sighs.

"I feel like shit now" I say.

Samu looks up at me and nods.

"I didn't know what she was going through and I said all those horrible things to her"

We all sit there, drenched in guilt.

The bathroom door opens and we all look up at the adorable girl. She looks down at the ground and for the first time, she seemed shy.

"Hungry?" Suna says.

She nods and sit's down on the ground.

"I help you Suna" Kita says.

"So will I!" Samu and Aran follow the boys out of the room leaving me and Y/N alone.

Suna walks back in the room and clears his throat "Oh Tsumu can you uh dry her hair please?" He says with a smirk. That son of a bitch. He shuts the door behind him and I look over at the fragile girl sitting close to me.

"Well watcha waitin' for? Come sit" I pat my lap. She walks over to me and sits in front of me. I put an arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. I take her towel and start drying off her H/C hair.

"I'm sorry Atsumu for embarrassing you all those years back and all the trouble I've caused" She says quietly. I stop what I'm doing and sit there, frozen. Is she for real right now? I moved her hair to the side and place my head in the crook of her neck.

"Don't apologize, I should be the one that's sorry. I can overreact and I can come off strong sometimes but I promise you I didn't mean any of it."

I turn her around and give her a tight hug as I rest my head on top of hers. I gently stroke her smooth hair.

"Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but the food is ready" Of course my brother had to ruin the moment. I stand up and grab Y/N's arm and walk her downstairs. The smell of green tea and fried rice welcomed us as we walked into the kitchen.

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