Chapter 4 ~ Did we win?

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Monday came by quickly and the girls were headed to their game against Shiratorizawa. The best part about being on the team was that Y/N could skip school however, today's game would be after school. The girls tried to pay attention in class but failed at doing so. I mean they had a big game in a couple hours, who could think about math? 

The day went by and the sound of the bell rung throughout the huge school. Y/N along with the other girls sprinted towards the gymnasium. Without paying attention to her surroundings Y/N face planted into someones body.

"Oh my god I am so sorry are you okay Y/N?"

Y/N looked up and gave the boy a strange look? Where do I know this guy from? He's hella familiar.

"Who, are you?" 

The boy laughed and helped the girl up. 

"I'm Aran, you insulted our team last week and kicked my friend in the nuts. You're quite the feisty one Y/N"

Her face went from confused to relieved which made the teen boy smile.

"Oh sorry about that, you're Suna's friend. I remember seeing you a lot when we were younger. Anyways I have game to play so I'm kinda in a rush."

"It's no problem, we all have our bad days. Good luck at your game, me and the boys will be there to support you"

"Thank you so much! Catch y'a later!" 


A/N: Play "Lose yourself" by Eminem on any streaming service.

"Are you girls ready? Remember give it your all and do your best out there, I don't care if you screw up, just keep pushing. We are strong and brave so go out there and scare the shit out of those shiratorizawa girls. Unleash the inner beast and make our school proud!" 

"YES COACH!" The girls said in sync.

I could hear cheering from the gym beyond the giant doors. I'm so ready to kick their asses but nervous at the same time. I'm considered one of the best players on the team due to my talent, skill and confidence. Even though I haven't been playing volleyball on a team for long, I adapted pretty quickly. Most of the girls train their butts off but are nowhere near my level. They depend on me. ME. 

𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now