"Okay, thanks for calling, Louis. I always love to hear from you. I'll talk to you later." Mary replies.

A smile creeps onto her face, she really hopes he comes to visit, she's only seen him a couple times before he moved her out here. The growling in her stomach made it hard for her to be happy about the call, but she tries her best to ignore it.

She just wants to enjoy these small moments of peace.


"Hey, I need to ask you something." Benny asks Ethan as they walk into the school building.

"No, Benny, I'm not gonna steal any more mysterious liquids from your grandma's magic room."

"Hey, that was only one time, and she didn't even catch you!"

"Yeah, because I knew if she did I would be joining the toads in the river."

Benny shakes his head, "look that's not what I'm asking you, I need your opinion on something."

They reach their lockers, "what is it?"

Benny takes a deep breath, "I think you were right about Mary. I think she's connected to my dream. I think she's the girl in it."

"Why do you think that?" Ethan asks as he puts his books in his locker.

"It's what you said a few weeks ago, how the dream suddenly changed when I met her. I think you were onto something. Every time I get a little closer to her, the dream changes. For example, right around the whole David werewolf thing, when she found out I was a wizard, something in the dream changed; I heard her voice, she said my name. I'm telling you, dude, she's the girl in the dream. She has to be." Benny explains to him.

"Alright, even if she is, we still don't know what that means," Ethan points out.

Benny groans, "ugh, come on man, can't you just be excited for me? I think this girl is really important to me somehow. Maybe she's..." he pauses to raise his hands in a circular motion, "the one."

Ethan snorts, "yeah, Benny I'm sure that's it. The girl you almost had eaten by a werewolf is 'the one'"

"You were the werewolf though," Benny retorts.

Ethan glares at him, "yeah, and you're the guy that turned me into one."

"Alright, okay. Gosh, will you ever let that go?" Benny says, raising his hands in defense. Ethan rolls his eyes while Benny glances over to see Mary by her locker, and he legitimately thought his heart skipped a beat. "Can she get any prettier?" Benny thought out loud. Ethan snickers, "dude."

"What? Oh crap did I just say that out loud?" Benny's eyes widen and he quickly looks over at Mary in a panic, hoping she didn't hear it. Thankfully she isn't paying attention, focusing more on her locker being stuck again. Benny nods at Ethan, then walks over to Mary.

"Oh come on you stupid fucking-"

"Whoa whoa, easy there, it's just a piece of metal. No need to swear like a sailor." Benny jokes.

Mary sighs, "sorry."

He chuckles and spins the knob for her, then yanks it open. "What would I do without you?" Mary grins and starts putting her books away.

"You'd be extremely late to algebra every day, and you wouldn't have a ray of sunshine in your life." Benny replies with a goofy grin, leaning against the locker next to her. Mary gives him a teasing smile, and his stomach flutters with butterflies.

"So, um" he coughs, "You heard about the blood drive tomorrow?"

Mary nearly threw up at the thought of the needles. She can't stand them, for many reasons.

"Yeah. I don't think I'm gonna donate." Mary replies, avoiding eye contact.

"Why?" He asks. Mary sighs, "I just don't want to." She feels herself getting slightly worked up over this topic, she hopes Benny will just drop it.

"Awe are you afraid of needles?" He teases. Mary takes a frustrated breath, "yes" and she slams her locker shut.

"Oh, shit, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just teasing." He says, genuinely feeling bad.

Mary sighs, she really needs to control her anger better. "No, I'm sorry, it's not you. I uh, didn't get to eat this morning," Mary explains, fiddling with a button on her cardigan.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you need some money for lunch? I can lend you some-"

"No, it's okay, really I have lunch. It's just my microwave is broken, and I have to save up to get a new one, and I haven't gotten the chance to buy other food because I've been working so much so I can buy a new microwave..." Mary rambles and then chuckles, "sorry I'm talking in circles."

Benny gives her a sympathetic smile, "you're stressed, it's okay. But, why doesn't your dad go food shopping, or buy the microwave?" He asks.

Mary coughs, she despises lying to Benny. "Uh, he's just been working a lot too, and he just doesn't have enough money right now so..." She trails off, hoping that would be a good enough answer.

He seemed to believe it and nodded in response, "oh, jeez that sucks. Well if you ever need someone to go shopping with you or something, I-I uh wouldn't mind," he stammers.

Mary smiles at him, "thanks. You're sweet."

Benny felt his face heat up when she said that, "I-uh yeah of course. I try."

Mary giggles and grabs his arm, "come on, we're gonna be late, like we always are."

Benny laughs and lets her drag him towards class, "why mess with tradition?"


Author's note:

Sorry this chapter was so short, this was more of a filler/intro to the next chapter, which is the Blood Drive episode! (Tbh it's my comfort episode lol)

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