20. Group Amnesia

Start from the beginning

"Very well, if you'll excuse me."

Minutes later, the glasses wearing unnerving receptionist came with a negative response, telling Ariana she couldn't let her in today.

Apparently, when Sammy had been toĺd Ariana Johnson was there to see her, the 18 year old girl claimed she didn't know any Ariana Johnson.

Not even her description striked any memory up. And the girl looked genuine.

So the receptionist thought Ariana had just been lying to get in. Ariana wouldn't force or bribe her way in, so she left, but not without thinking deeply of what she had just heard...

It was so strange. Was Sammy pretending she didn't know her? If so, why?

Maybe the teen girl didn't want to imply Ariana in any way by admitting she had been there in the restroom before she was kidnapped.

Why would she do that, though?

So Ariana waited, restively, the day the victims would be interrogated. She somehow knew a lot of things would be uncovered then.

Just not what they were all expecting.

So one day and a half later they were all in London, in the viewing room, waiting for the victims to be interrogated.

They'd all previously claimed they didn't remember almost anything from the nightmare they survived, but now they were going to go into details.

Ariana was sitting on a couch with fidgeting gestures, next to her teammates.

"Damn, and when I thought we were going to learn some shit..." Adrian commented.

"I think we'll still learn something big." Ariana couldn't wait as she stayed next to Lily, their arms interlaced.

"I'm honestly so happy that we have four survivors at least." Lily grinned, giving Ariana hope.

The victims were going to be interrogated in an alphabetical order, so the first they brough in was Amèlie LaLiberte.

She was accompanied by her mother, and Ariana caught herself thinking about how relieved the older woman must've felt seeing her daughter again.

Amèlie, the 22 year old NUBB student was a light brunette girl with hazel eyes, and very skinny.

The one who was doing the interrogation was a veteran London chief colonel.

"Hello, miss Amèlie LaLiberte and Mrs. LaLiberte. Today we'll go over some questions regarding what you went through. I'll try to be patient, but first I'd like you to confirm something." The Colonel cleared his voice.

"Y-yes?" The girl stuttered and her mother brushed her gaze worriedly over her.

Amèlie never stuttered prior to this experience.

"You claim you don't remember anything right?" the man asked, his look condescending.

She didn't remember anything, Amèlie was thinking.

But would they believe her and the others?

"Yes, i-it's true. I only remember a few snippets that don't make too much sense but I'll try to explain them. And the last thing I remember clearly is the evening I was walking home from university last time."

The girl gesticulated heavily and she seemed clearly disturbed, Ariana noted.

Had she been assaulted?

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