Chapter Forty

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After our kiss, I opened my eyes. Was I dreaming? I thought to myself. Brok's golden eyes looked into mine and smiled. After a moment, I glanced around to see if the rest of the guests were paying attention to us, but they were enraptured in the music. Most of them were already dancing and seemed to be just as entranced by the music as ourselves. Brok looked around as well.

"Is something the matter Anabella?" he asked me. I shook my head.

"No. Everything is fine."

"Yes, it is. In fact, things have never been so fine," Brok said. I smiled as he still embraced me. I still had his hand in mine and his arm still held me in place and we were still dancing in slow motion.

"Brok, can we go someplace? Someplace private?" I asked him. Brok nodded.

"Yes, of course," he said and we broke our dancing pose and left the room. The queen gazed at us and smiled. I smiled back politely. Others didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm as the queen. The King was nowhere to be seen and I assumed that he had left the party just like Luckutus had done so earlier. There was also a group of Sha people within the party who didn't seem too pleased at us as well. Pundok was among one of them. I knew that I wasn't capable of pleasing everyone so I moved on.

The prince and I held hands as we left the room. I wanted to talk to him somewhere away from all of the prying eyes. I hoped that maybe now after our dance and kiss I could finally convince him to tell me what exactly was going on in Earth. Not that I kissed him exclusively for that reason. The truth was that I had already fallen in love with him. I had not accepted this because I thought that it was impossible to love him. He was so different from me, not just physically, but his stature, his position in this world and his strong character, but I was learning that when it came to love none of those slogans truly mattered. All that mattered was the feeling between us and the moments that took our breath away. Brok and I approached the garden. The place where I loved to spend my time the most.


"Yes, my love?" I swallowed hard and then I grabbed his hand. Brok smiled.

"Brok, I want to know what's going on in my planet?" I said. Brok's smile waned. He immediately shook his hands-off mine and frowned.

"Is that why you kissed me?" He asked annoyed. I frowned back.

"What? No of course not! How dare you," I said.

"You kissed me to manipulate me, is that it?"

"What? You're crazy!"

"You don't really love me at all, do you? You have been faking your love for me, all this time," he said.

Are you insane? How could I be faking?"

"It figures. I knew it was too good to be true. So, tell me, what do you want? Do you want to return to Earth, is that it?"

"I can return?" I asked. I was suddenly overjoyed by this idea. On the one side I was hurt and upset of his accusations, but on the other I was incredibly hopeful of the idea of returning to Earth. I was anxious to see the future of my planet. Brok on the other hand didn't seem as enthusiastic. He took his hat off and scratched his head.

"Damn you Anabella, I thought you loved me!"

"I do love you."

"Right and that's why you'll abandon me on the first chance you get," Brok complained. I approached him and grabbed his face in my hands. Then I kissed his lips. They were soft.

"Of course not. Brok I do love you truly."

"Then why would you want to return to Earth? Certainly, you want to abandon me!" He said.

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