Chapter Eleven

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I followed Rox through the aperture and as I did I noticed that the strange purple lights surrounded most of the ship. I saw images in them of planets, stars, meteor showers and soon enough plants and strange creatures I had never seen before, but I passed by the images so quickly that I could only have a glimpse of what the walls of this strange ship presented.

"I am sorry. We are experiencing technical difficulties due to the crash," Rox said.

"What did happen anyway?" I wondered with authentic curiosity. I didn't understand how could such an advanced species as yourself could crash?" I asked him.

"I did not provoke the crash for I am not the Captain of this ship," Rox said.

"Oh. So it was your master then?" I asked. Rox suddenly turned around and I stopped instantly. My nose almost crashed on the middle of his non-nasal face.

"Do not blame my master for anything that has happened. Is that clear?" He said. I nodded quickly.

"Sure. I wasn't blaming him. I swear," I said.

"Joe, do you treasure your life?" Rox said and I nodded again afraid and confused.

"Then please... do not say anything against the master," he said and turned around. His robe ruffled with his movements like a long cape.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Your intentions will not matter to him. Only your actions. You must be very careful when you are to speak to him," he said to me. We walked a long corridor of with paneled walls and then an area where I could see rocks as walls and the floor was all a purple mist as we continued to walk along the space craft. Voices of other beings spoke languages I couldn't understand.

"What are they saying?" I asked Rox as my heart began to beat faster. Rox stopped again.

"I am detecting strange heartbeats from you again. I will give you something to calm down your heartbeat," he said. He placed his index finger up and something out of the tip of his finger popped up. It was two inches long, metallic and it was in the shape of a square. It looked like an eraser on a pencil.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Shmla," he said. I frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"It is to calm your heartbeat. I will induce this chemical on your chest and you will immediately receive the relief you need. Please open the buttons of your shirt," Rox ordered and I obeyed. He pressed his cold, metallic finger on my chest and I felt a pinch like when one goes to get a shot at the hospital. It was quick and painless. I noticed however that the two-inched squared tip was gone.

"You will be relaxed within the next twenty-five seconds," Rox said and he turned around. As instantly as I opened my mouth I felt the rapid heartbeats slow down.

"Damn that was fast," I blurted out unintentionally.

"What is damn?" Rox tilted and asked.

"Oh, nothing. It's a bad word. You shouldn't use it," I said shaking my head.

"Well for the Sha' it is considered quite a slow way of healing and they grow weary and tired of it, but it is the Shmla is the only thing that is available for relaxation," Rox said.

"I wish Tylenol worked in twenty-five seconds," I remarked.

"What is Tylenol?" Rox asked.

"Tylenol is a medicine for fevers and for coughing... and for... colds," I said.

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