Chapter Twenty

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"Anabella, Anabella."

I heard my name on someone else's voice and I rubbed my droopy eyelids and opened my eyes. It was Krimla.

"Anabella, the Prince of Sha is here and you fell asleep. Come," Krimla said. Her tentacle hair twirled in the air. I sat up and realized that I still had my shoes on. I looked at the bedside table and gazed upon the red rose. It was still there, beautiful and bright. I stood up and followed Krimla out of the dark stony room with the usual purple holograms all over the walls. Krimla walked quickly with her long legs and tentacle shaped toes and I had to jog behind her to keep up. We walked the long and wide hallways with haste. It was inevitable for me to feel the shivers that swept my whole body. I wasn't sweating, but I trembled with nervousness.

"Try to calm down, everything will be alright," Krimla said.

"How do you-"

"I can perceive emotions," Krimla answered.

"Can you perceive all emotions?" Krimla asked.

"Yes. I usually block this perception though because emotions can be quite unstable. I don't like tuning in, but your emotions are too strong and I can feel them interrupting me. I can assure you that the master will not harm you. If he would have wanted to do so, he already would have," Krimla said. I was still nervous, but I needed to hear those words. My heartbeat slowed.

"Now when you go into the dining room you must bow to the master. You must not speak until you are spoken to," She instructed me and I nodded. We walked down the stairway and passed what seemed to be some sort of a living room, but I wasn't really quite sure what it was. Krimla stopped at the foot of the door. She looked at me and smiled gently.

"Well Anabella, the master awaits," She said and I nodded. I entered the dining room. It was like nothing I had ever seen. Unlike most of the hallways and rooms, this place had glass walls and I could see the purple water and all sorts of strange creatures of red, gold and green swimming around. There was a dark, long rectangular shaped table. The dark chairs had a black backplate with pilars on its crest rail.

I scanned the room, looking for Prince Brok. I saw him in a shaded corner, silent and waiting. His gold eyes shimmered in the darkness. I forcefully bowed at him quietly and with distaste and then I walked towards the chair that had a triangle shaped plate, with strange food on it and the purple water placed in the glass. I wished for regular Earth water instead. I stared at the food without touching a single utensil. I placed my hands on my lap disgusted and I didn't want to eat in front of him while he watched me like a stalker.

"Why have you not eaten the food? You can eat it," Prince Brok said. I could hardly answer. I had to hold my own inner temper. I was screaming inside like a crazy rock and roll fan. I was so scared, sad and mad, that I really needed a moment to calm my inner demons.

"Well? Why haven't you eaten? Are you too good for the food I provide?"

"I'm not hungry," I replied dryly.

"I don't care. You will eat. You will eat now," the prince replied.

"I can't. Why have you brought me here?" I asked.

"Because you offered yourself to me. Did you not forget?"

"I mean, why am I now your guest and not your slave?" I asked abruptly. The prince moved from the shadows and walked towards me. He was tall and his dark long hair was loose and it reached his hips. He wore a dark long jacket and boots. His features were fearless and cold. I wanted nothing to do with him.

"I do not have to answer to you. I do what I want."

"So do I. It's called freedom. I am no longer your slave."

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