"Cops are on trail on Trump but he is too intelligent and slips out of the hands every time. We had almost caught him few days back but a stupid person just bumped into the undercover cop and ruined everything. He dashed against the cop accidentally hitting him too hard and his gun dropped down. Trump got alert and escaped the place." Mean poured out the whole incident.

"I had informed the cops about Bas but it seems that he too is playing hide and seek. Atleast, they won't be able to get into the house unnoticed. I have asked my people to track Saint's cell phone so that if ever he goes out, we will know where he is." Mean added.

"I think it's better if we don't inform Saint about all these stuff. He is pregnant and I don't want him to get stressed." Perth spoke his concern. "Yes, I was thinking the same thing." Mean agreed.

The two sat speaking for a while when they heard a knock on the door and then the maid walked in carrying their drinks and snacks. Saint walked in soon after, his hairs messy and sleep still dancing on his eye lids.

He made his way towards Perth and sat next to him while snuggling closer ignoring to pay any attention to the guest. "Hi Saint!" Mean greeted. "Ummm!? Hi!" Saint replied in his dreamy state and closed his eyes. Perth wrapped his hands around Saint's waist pulling him closer and started to stroke his back. Mean was looking at both in awe.

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"Is he always like this?" Mean asked looking at Saint who was now sleeping. "No, just started with pregnancy, hormonal changes and all that. Thankfully, he is not sulking." Perth spoke letting out a sigh. Mean laughed hearing it only to make Saint open his eyes and look at him.

The cute guy pouted his lips looking at his best friend who was now laughing. "Pin~!! Are you complaining?" Saint asked in his grumpy tone. Mean stopped laughing and looked at the owner of the voice. Alas! The sulking baby has woken up. "Babe, I am not complaining. I just told Mean that you look cute in you sleep." Perth lied.

"I heard everything!" Saint spoke. Perth knew that he will now have to face tantrum. Thinking of a quick solution, he just spoke out, "Babe, Mean was asking what kind of pickle you like. Plan will be coming for visit so he was thinking of sending you some of your favourites."

Saint's face changed and soon he was smiling. Mean looked at the couple with a dumbstruck expression as he saw how Perth was handling Saint's mood swings. "Okay... I'll inform him." Saint replied in a cheerful voice. His sleep already gone and he was sitting with his head leaning on Perth's shoulder.

"Do you want to eat something?" Perth inquired. "No, I just woke up and you were not there so I came here searching you." Saint replied. "Aww, Mean, why are you here?" Saint continued.

"So finally you saw me! Thank you my dear best friend. I came here to inquire about your health but since you were sleeping I sat here talking to Perth." Mean spoke keeping the other purpose of his visit hidden. "And what did you get for me?" Saint asked with his puppy eyes. "Umm... Err... I'll send it with Plan. I just wanted to know what you'll like to eat." Mean tried to make up an excuse.

Saint looked at him for a while and then diverted his gaze to Perth, "Pin~! I want ice-cream!" he demanded. "Okay! I'll ask Albert to inform the maids to get you ice-cream. But before that, get fresh. I'll have your ice-cream ready by the time you return." Perth promised.

Saint smiled and got up to leave. He hurried to get fresh while Perth called Albert and informed him about Saint's demand. "You are really having a hard time taking care of him. I can see that he has become very demanding." Mean spoke. "Not at all Mean. In fact I like the way he behaves because he hardly asks for anything." Perth clarified.

After spending some time with the couple, Mean left for his apartment. Saint was busy eating his ice-cream that Perth had ordered the maids to get for him. His lips were smudged with cream. Perth smiled as he watched his cute husband who was eating like a kid.

Saint's mother arrived in the evening with her luggage. Saint was very happy seeing his mother and screamed in joy after knowing that she was going to stay with them. Little did he know about what Perth had spoken to both the families.

Perth was happy seeing Saint being a happy bubble. He let both mother and son have some talk while he returned to his office to finish his work.

Plan arrived in meantime carrying Saint's favorite snacks. And everyone insisted him to stay for dinner. The dinner was lively with Plan babbling about everything happening in office making Saint laugh.

Saint's mother watched her son being so happy. Earlier, when Saint told his parents that he was marrying Perth, they were worried thinking about whether Saint will be happy with him. And now seeing him so happy and after everything Perth had done for Saint, his mother was more than assured that Perth treasured her son like a precious flower.

Saint's mother was not much aware about Trump since Saint haven't told them about him. Also, Perth had kept everything short while discussing about Saint's safety with both the families. They were just informed that there was someone who was trying to harm Saint for money.

After the dinner Saint accompanied his mother to her room just to spend some time with her. Meanwhile, Plan took the opportunity to talk to Perth. "Perth, have Mean told you about Bas?" Plan questioned. "Yes, he came by in morning with the information." Perth replied.

"Well, there's something more I wanted to tell you. Today, I had been to the nearby store to get Saint's favorite cake and saw Bua on the other side of the road. First, I ignored her but then I saw Bas. So, I paid a close attention, Bas walked towards Bua and they both had a short conversation. After that Bas walked past her and got into the car. Bua waited there for quite a while before she too got into the same car." Plan narrated.

"We should inform cops about it, if Bas is with Bua, then it will be easy to track him down." Perth stated. "I'll inform Mean about this. You take care of Saint." Plan assured Perth that he will take care of everything.

After discussing some official issues with Perth, Plan left the mansion. Perth was walking towards the stairs when he saw Saint appear from his mother room. Perth waited for his cute husband at the base of the stairs.

"Thank you Pin, for inviting mae to stay with us." Saint said with a wide smile on his face. "I always want to see you happy babe. Come let's go to sleep. It's already late." Perth said as he pulled Saint scooping him up in his arms and walked towards their bedroom. Saint was now used to Perth carrying him around the house less bothered about what others will think.

Perth placed Saint on the bed and slipped next to him pulling the duvet over their bodies. He started to stroke Saint's tummy gently and the cute guy soon was asleep.

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