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USSR, carrying Britain: Welp it was nice knowing you, man

America: We kinda loved you

France: You were a shitty husband but I guess you were good enough

Nazi: Your food sucked so bad

Japan: And now its all your fault

Canada: Why we're surrounded by a horde of angry aliens

Fascist Italy: So I guess we're gonna go sacrifice you to them

Britain: WAIT WHAT—

USSR: Bye Britain *Throws him into the horde where he gets eaten alive*


France: *Calls on England* Hey Iggy, Britain is dead

England: *Sharply inhales in "This is the 30th time this week"* Not again...

(This is another joke from that rp about the aliens. So what happened in the rp was that the aliens got angry cos of how bad Britain's food was, they were surrounded, so they sacrificed the leaf juice boi

Since Britain dying became iconic in our AU, my friend made a joke about how England's just sighing cos of Britain dying again)

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