"He tried to comfort me when I started getting scared over the thunderstorm that night.."

"Ms. (L/n), I know this is a lame question, but...." The old woman leans forward, "How was he ? What did Zeke look like ?"

For a second there, (Y/n) seems to be debating to herself whether she should tell Dina about Zeke or not. But in the end, (Y/n) made her decision and told her, "he seems fine, from my memories. I took him back to his place after we got out from the bus stop as soon as the rain stopped. And we'd even promised to meet again. In my memories.. He was shy yet considerate, protecting a younger child from a scary thunderstorm, me."

"Didn't he look cold ?" Dina intrigues, "Zeke's weak against the cold."

"He was wearing a.. crippled, worn white fabric that didn't fully cover up his body. It was so thin and... dirty. Like a ripped rag cloth. "

The blonde frowns, "wait a minute.. a worn fabric ?" she shook her head, "I remember, the night he went missing for a, he wore a cardigan. That cardigan.. Mr. Tom Ksaver, the designer, had made it especially for him. And though he's my son, he looked so good in it. I still remember how cute he looked on that day when he stepped out in that cardigan

"But... Ms. (L/n).."

"Yes ma'am ?"

"Zeke never had tattered clothes," Dina uttered, "let alone a rag looking fabric. So how-"

"Oh hey, you're here, (Y/n)."

The two women in the conversation turn their heads towards the person who just entered the room they're in, "you should've said you were paying a visit. Considering it's your first time meeting my mother."

(Y/n) bowed politely to Zeke in response, greeting him who just came home.

"The meeting went pretty quickly, I assume ?" She smiles at the blonde, who returned the favor.

Zeke nods, "Yeah. And by the way, you should stay for dinner."

"Ah no. I have a lot to do at work today, so..." (Y/n) politely declines.

"Then let me see you off. Just wait here, let me grab my car keys real quick. I gotta change too."


A man plops down himself on an empty chair in a conference room where a meeting about the book concert was just being held, he then grabs an awfully decorated thin book that's laying across the table.

He flips open the first page, only to be greeted by a set of messy writing.

[To Mr. Blanket]

~ Today dad bought black tea flavored candies. I left some for you, but my friend, Porco, tried to eat it. He even almost crushed this candy with his jaw because wanted to be a cool character named Jaw Titan. Bad Pock. Still, I managed to save them for you ! ~

The corners of his lips curl upwards.

-- Flashback --

The rain had stopped. Leaving a whiff of petrichor.

The two children walked back inside the Underground place, however the boy refused to show her where his place was. Instead, he told her to leave him at the place where she met him the first time. They stood there, ready to part ways.

But it seemed like (Y/n) still yearned for his warmth. So the little girl hugged him again, holding the boney boy close to her.

"Will I meet you again ?"

Her soft tiny hands grasped into the old crippled shirt that clung to the boy's body. He looked at her with a gaze that she couldn't read, "I- I don't think we can.." he stammered.

"Then find me, and marry me in the future !" The little girl cried, "promise me that we'll meet again !"

A new wave of emotions that he had never felt before washed over him.

"I'll try, I'll try to find you again.." He linked his skinny pinky to hers.

"And then I'll marry you."

-- End of Flashback --

His rare smile remains there as the man is too absorbed by the old diary that once belongs to a certain.. someone.

"I'll be more than glad if you remove your fingers from that diary, captain."

In a blink of an eye, the smile on the man's face drops. As if it was never there in the first place. With an expressionless face, Levi puts down the thin diary back to where it was.

"It's something that's precious to me." Zeke said.

The blonde had just brought (Y/n) back to the office as he promised. At that time, Zeke remembered that he left (Y/n)'s diary in the meeting room when he was discussing the book concert. It must've slipped from his bag. (Y/n) gave him her diary on the previous day, to help him gain some memories, if possible. Turns out, Zeke found the vice president reading the diary that he left behind.

Levi stood up from the chair and was about to leave when Zeke stopped him, "thanks to you, I was able to meet (Y/n). Thanks to you for knocking me out and ditching me at that bus stop that day."

"And thanks to you, for hiring (Y/n) as your secretary. It's all thanks to you, from the very beginning."

The stoic man stands with his back turned to Zeke, his feet planted to the floor. Levi then lazily turns his head to glare at the blonde, "yeah. Keep on thanking me all you want, pig. Because thanks to me, you'll be able to see more of her."

"Because soon, she's always going to be right next to me." 


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