I blinked and when I opened my eyes I was surrounded by people In the garden nobles and families from all over

A little girl pulled on her mother's dress. Whining that it wasn't time to eat cake yet.

The band played quietly hidden by the back of the garden with the lilies while a few kids danced to the music

I stepped back and bumped into Zuko he could tell something was wrong when I looked at him
" Azula what's wrong with you your acting off"
" I don't know what's going on I was just with you guys a moment ago and now I'm here"
I looked down at myself I was wearing a completely different outfit a dress with a bow, to make it worse.

I ran off into the yard and tried to settle my thoughts everyone I passed bowed and shoved there sons towards me beckoning  them to talk to me

The yard was big and it was hard to find familiar faces out of the strangers

Mother smiled at me in a way that said you should be smiling to a warning to get my act together

The party went silent when footsteps were heard from the canopy overlooking the party
" May I have everyone's attention"

Most people looked up at him and others glanced at me my arms started itching and I dashed off under the table

" We are here to celebrate my daughters birthday and also her approach into lady hood"

My arms were burning and it reached my legs the white table cloth blocked me off from the rest of the partys eyes but not from they're whispering

" Tonight is princess Azulas introduction into society impress Myself and her and in some time your sons might have the honor of finding a place in my faimly "

They were looking for me I could tell
I peeked my face out and saw Mai and Tylee close to their parents arms who held them there like prizes they couldn't help me.

I had been prepared for this but it all felt so sudden for some reason I couldn't remember why it was today.

I saw a foot from under the table cloth slowly lifted it and I scuffled back terrified there hand was blurry as if made of a distorted shadow a i felt cold and tried to think of where to run but it's eyes held me to my spot I screamed until my ears felt red hot and squinted until I only saw white.

When I opened my eyes this time I was in my fathers art room alone
" What's happening, I'm scared"

There was a shattered sculpture of the warrior Tan who saved the fire kingdom a few hundred years ago somehow I new it had been me to break it, it was his favorite he's it before he met mother

The diamonds and emeralds lay scattered across my feet I made a pathetic attempt to force the diamonds back into the armor but the gold rejected it

My mother ran into the room panic written on her face she dropped to the ground to look at the broken pieces.
" it was an accident I'm sorry"
Guilt set in when she looked back up at me with fear and sadness
" this was your fathers favorite peace"
Her voice shook and her eyes danced from side to side trying to think of a plan

" do you think he'll be upset"
She looked back up and cupped my face and smiled
" you'll be fine he won't hurt you listen carefully you're gonna tell a little lie alright and I know I always tell you lieing is wrong but just this once you need to"

Her fear scared me and I started crying would he really be that upset when he found out
" Look at me Azula you're going to tell your father that you were never in here and you didn't hear the statue break you were in your room, ok?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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