He finally found an open door and slammed it shut behind him, breathing heavily. He looked up to see a girl drenched in a luminescent light. He felt calm, almost relieved to see her. He ran up to her eagerly, placing a hand on her arm to turn her around.

He caught a quick glimpse of brown hair, glowing from the light surrounding her and a hand catching his wrist.

"Whoa!" Benny wakes up to his scream, causing him to practically jump up from his position. His chest moves up and down fast. He saw more than just a white light this time; he saw hair, he saw a hand, he felt her touch.

But why? Why did the dream suddenly change after being the same for weeks?

He kicks his blanket off and stands up. He wants to figure this out, he needs to figure this out, or else he'll never be able to have a decent night of sleep again.


"Oh, come on, don't do this to me!" Mary shouts while struggling to open her locker.

It had already been an irritating morning. Her alarm didn't go off, her microwave broke before she could heat up her breakfast and she stepped in a deep mud puddle on her way to school. Needless to say, she did not need to add, being late to class because she couldn't open her locker, to the list.

From across the hallway, Benny is shutting his locker when he notices Mary struggling with hers. 'Does she want to talk to me? Did I make it too obvious that I loved talking to her? I couldn't help it, there's just something about her. Alright, I can do this.'

"Hey, everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, no not really," Mary sighs, "I can't get my locker open. I tried my combination like five times and it won't budge."

"Here, let me try. What is it?" Benny says.

"30, 9, 20."

Benny turns the knob, "see, the key is to push the handle up, and then..." he pulls the locker open roughly and grins at her, "sometimes you just gotta use force."

Mary laughs, "wow, thanks." She strips her bag off her shoulder and places her books inside.

"So, um," Benny clears his throat, "I know you probably know your way to class now, but uh, I was wondering, if I can, maybe still walk you today?" Benny asks, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets.

Mary hesitates for a moment. Benny seems sweet, but she still isn't sure if she should continue with this. She knows it's safer not to have any friends, especially now.

But, she has this gut feeling that she can trust Benny, but she still can't figure out why.

"Yeah, I'd like that." She replies.

Benny smiles, "okay, cool. Let's go."


"So you've never seen a single Star Wars movie? Not one? Not even the new ones?"

Mary shakes her head at Benny and laughs, "nope."

"Wow. I mean it's one thing to see them and then not like them but the fact that you've never seen them just blows my mind." Benny rambles.

"Hey, you haven't seen Coraline. Now that I find hard to believe." Mary replies.

"Alright, alright, fair enough." Benny admits.

They both laugh quietly together. They're almost to class, but Benny doesn't want this to end. She's so easy to talk to.

"Hey, I was gonna ask, you doing okay? You have like major eye bags." Mary jokes, gesturing to Benny's face.

In Your Dreams || Benny Weir COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now