"That's adorable."

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My grandma's house was not too far from here because it was in the woods. She owned a huge plot of land that she used as a farm. It was abundant with chickens, donkeys, cows, horses, and any other farm animal.

This grandma was from my dad's side, she was my own. I visited her more often when my father was alive but when I was finally old enough to go places alone, I came over every week. She was getting old and needed more help on the farm, so I cleaned the stables and bathed the animals.

She always asks me why I visit so often but I have no answer, she is just comforting. She makes the most amazing homemade bread that makes me melt.

We were going up the hill that led to her house, I could already see all the animals that were staying at the ranch. I pointed at them and explained facts about each of them.

"That goat's name is Papillon because I liked the word." I said, out of breath because of the steepness of this ramp.

"That's cool." Noel said in between breaths. Her hands were on her hips and her chest was going up and down.

Calum laughed silently. "That's adorable." He ran quickly to catch up with me, and now we went at the same pace. "Is your grandma okay with us staying here?"

I nodded. "Of course. She lives alone and has a huge house with 6 rooms." I assure him with a small smile.

We were finally at the top, we stopped for a minute. Everyone was catching their breath, panting and crouching down.

I walked up to the wooden door, everyone behind me. I gave it a loud knock and stood at the side. The door opened and there stood my grandma. She was wearing an apron that had flower stains all over.

"Amour." She clapped her hands. "What are you doing here?" She took a step forward and stared at the other people that were standing around me.

"Maman Maribel, could we stay here for a few days?" I asked and scrunched my eyes, waiting for the answer.

She looked at them one last time and nodded. "Of course, whatever you need."

She stepped back so that we could enter. Before walking inside, I gave her a hug. I continued forwards and into the huge library that she had when you walked in.

The other gave her some hellos and thank yous, then, they followed me wherever I was going. I started exploring the familiar house and giving them a tour.

I pointed to where the rooms were and they rushed up to call dibs. Luke chose the one that had the king bed, Michael one with bunk beds, Ashton the one with twin beds, and Noel a pink one that had flowers all around. Me and Calum were going to share a room because the house had 6 rooms but one was my grandma's and it wouldn't be fair for the other to share rooms.

The only one left had 2 full sized beds on each side. We were content with the rooms so we went back to the library.

I was forced into translating an interesting looking book into english because it was originally in french. I had to stop in between paragraphs to shut someone up or throw a pillow at one of them.

c'est la vie || Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now