"Correct, sir?"

8 0 0

My cousin told me he was outside the hotel. We grabbed all of our pertinences. Clothes, money, phones, and the random knick knacks we both had on ourselves.

When we left the room , the girls were still in the lobby but 4 more girls joined them inside. Calum muttered something under his breath that I could not recognize.

Through the glass door we could see more people. The whole entrance was filled to the brim with fans. I took a deep breath and turned towards Calum who was evaluating the crowd. I didn't know what to do at this moment.

"Hi!" He told the girls inside the lobby. "Did you publish where we were?"

One of them went red and tucked her hair in her ear. "Not exactly. I just snapped a photo of you and put it on my story. They figured out on their own where you were."

He nodded and pursed his lips. "Okay. Well, we need to get out of here, so, nice meeting you."

He extended his big hand towards mine. I grabbed it and locked our fingers. I waved at the girls and glanced outside. They all had their phones out, people would know we were together.

Calum squeezed my hand in reassurance and we opened the doors. Screams erupted from the crowd. The flashes of phones were now being used to take some pictures that will start rumors.

It was like a hoard. We could barely walk through.

"Excuse me. Coming through." Calum kept saying but they didn't move out of the way easily. I trailed behind him.

Someone pulled my hair. I turned my head to see who it was but I was met with 30 people screaming and jumping.

"Calum, I love you!" One of them screamed from the back.

"Erm- Thank you!" He replied and yanked me towards the end of the swarm. When we were out of there I pointed to my cousin's car and we ran towards it.

We opened the door quickly and sat both in the back. It was a beat up red honda that he bought with his own money as soon as he turned 16.

"Drive!" I ordered and he sped off, leaving smoke behind him. I let out a long breath once we were 15 feet away. "Hello, Julien."

He looked at me through the mirror. "Hey, Cass. Dude, what was that?"

Julien lived in America for college so some words and mannerisms stayed with him. He always called me dude, ever since I met him. Julien is my cousin from my biological dad's side. He is a family member that is exclusively mine, I always liked that.

"That would be my fanbase." Calum explained. "One of them leaked our location."

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Calum. "What were you doing in that hotel anyway? Everyone's looking for you, Cass. Henri has called me 20 times to ask me if you were with me."

"I can't deal with Henri. I needed a break, so I ran away. I'll come back eventually." I said, trying to convince him that my reasoning was valid. "Calum has to come back for a show in a few weeks, we're enjoying our free time."

"So, Calum Hood, why are you running away with my cousin?" He asked, staring at Calum with a death stare.

Calum fidgeted with his fingers nervously. "We decided to run away together, it was a collective decision."

"Come on! You are making the kid nervous!" I gave Julien a slap on the shoulder.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to get to know him. Right, Calum?"

Calum quickly nodded. "Correct, sir?" His voice cracked when he said sir, earning a laugh from us.

"Where exactly am I taking you? No rush, I just want to know." Julien asked.

I met Cal's eyes and we both had uncertainty in our looks. We had no idea where to go after this.

I shrugged. "We have no idea."

"I know a house where you can stay. It's owned by a friend of mine but she's not there right now. She recently got married and her wife wanted a honeymoon, they will be out for 3 weeks. You are free to use it in the meantime." Julien offered. He was a lifesaver.

"Oh my gosh, Julien. You are a godsend. Thank you so much." I said with a heart full of gratitude.

"Thank you, mate." Calum said with a small smile.

Sorry this chapter is so short. I will try to make longer ones!

c'est la vie || Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now