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I slowly take off my clothes, leaving me in only my boxers while Louis gets under the covers. In his clothes?

"Why don't you make yourself comfortable, at least in a pajama and not jeans?"

"Ohh... I Uhh taught that I would wait til you fall asleep and then go to my room and sleep?"

"I mean you can if you want to... but I don't mind you sleeping here, feels a bit like the good old times"

"If you are okey with it then sure" he takes of his jeans and shirt, before joining me under the covers half naked.

"It does feel like the good old times" he says after a while, both of us lying on our backs looking up at the high ceiling. I turn around and rest my head on my hand, facing him. He mirrored my pose before I say "remember how we used to sneak behind the boys back to be able to sleep in the same bed, even before we got together" he lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah... we were so young, oh god, and in the tourbus when we got each other off and Niall walking in on us. The poor kid got traumatized. Saw his two best friends that were supposed to be like 'brothers' getting each other off"

At that I let out a even bigger laugh.

"Or that time when we were fucking in that closet and he walked in on us mid orgasm"

"Omg that was a bad one, I almost forgot that one"

We stay quiet for a couple minutes just smiling at the memories before he suddenly asks:
"Remember our first time"

"Yeah, about a year after the X factor. The night we released 'what makes you beautiful'"

"You were soooo good to me"

"I'm pretty sure we were good to each other"

"Yeah but it was my first time, I was so scared because you were a boy, and you were so gentle and slow with me, kept reassuring me. I'll never forget that" he says with a big smile

"Neither will I" I smile back at him. My smiles keep getting genuine around him. And I really really like it. I still really like him. "The good old times" I chip in.

His smile slowly fades.

"Lou?" I question. Not even thinking about the nickname. "what's wrong" I say stroking his cheek. He leans into the touch before answering.

"It's just... we were so good together. We were made for each other. And if I just... If I just didn't screw everything up, we may have celebrated 10 years in a couple months" he takes a hold of my hand, which is still stroking his cheek, and in return strokes my knuckles. "I know sorry doesn't cut it, but I just want us to be LouandHaz again, two teenagers in love... I'm so sorry for the pain I put you through Harry, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that you never have to feel that again, trust me. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness bu-"

"And yet I forgive you" I say honestly with a warm smile

"What?" He sits up straight "Harry..."

I sit up and take a hold of his face with both of my hands.

"Listen Lou... we can't ignore what happened between us, and we can't go back to being teenagers. But I do forgive you. I get that it was a lot of pressure, I get that they manipulated you. What you did whit el... what you did with her wasn't right, but neither is me doing drugs or self harming... and somehow with you presence, with an exception of today, I don't have the urge to harm myself. We are still good together. We still read each other like open books. I don't think neither of us are ready to jump into a relationship, but when you break up with el-"

"I already did"

"What? When?"

"A couple hours ago" he shrugs and I laugh

" Well good then, now when you have broken up with her and we both feel ready, we aren't picking up from the past, we are living in the now and making the future."

"Why are you so good to me Harry, after everything, why are you still so god damn good to me?" He asks with a tear running down his cheek

I brush it away with my thumb and he rests his head in my palm. "Because I still love you, always have and always will"

"You know I love you too right? I never, not for even a second, stopped loving you" I just nod. I feel my heart in my chest expanding. Butterflies flying in my belly. My cheeks tuning a soft pink.

He slowly leans in, putting his hands on my neck, pulling softly on my roots. I suddenly feel his breath against mine, his nose touching mine. He looks right into my eyes. Blue meeting green. Green meaning blue.

"Can I kiss you" he whispers against my lips. I don't find it in me to answer, just nodding.

And suddenly he closes the gap between us and I feel his lips on mine. His rough yet soft lips resting against mine. It didn't feel sexual at all. I didn't feel forced. And it doesn't seem desperate. Once again he tells me through the kiss how much he really loves me. And I try to return the favor as good as possible.

Slowly our lips start to move against each other. No urgency. And no tongue. Just slowly moving together. He pulls me closer and I comply, our bodies craving each other's love. Wanting to feel the others warmth.

When it all gets a bit much and oxygen is suddenly needed we pull apart. Body's and lips still close. Close enough to still breath the same air. I don't dare to open my eyes, afraid that he will disparare. He breaks the silence with a whisper "I'm afraid to open my eyes and realize that it was a just a beautiful dream" at that I slowly open my eyes. Smiling because of our fears being practically the same.

"Lou, open your eyes" and he slowly does. A smile spreading when he realizes that I'm very much real. And I get him. I feel about just the same.

"It's all very real Louis. I promise" instead of an answer he just hugs me tightly. And I follow his lead. Holding on to him as strongly as I can without breaking him. We don't let go, but we lay down on the bed, still entangled in each other, falling asleep to the other ones heartbeat.


In the middle of the night I decide to check on Harry. The boy who has a heart of gold that people love to steal from. The boy that is beyond broken. The boy that is my best friend.

As I slowly get away from zayns snoring I open Harry's door only to be met by Louis. It takes me a second to realize that they are hugging each other in their sleep. Both sleeping with a big smile. I can't help but smile at them and take a quick picture. The two boys still have so much love for each other, however big their problem was, I alway knew they would find their way back somehow. It's nice to see both of them so peaceful. So careless.

I walk out again and close the door behind me. Falling asleep with a big smile on my face knowing that my two best friends will be alright sooner or later.


Still Niall

During the first few weeks of tour Louis and Harry always sneak to each other's rooms to sleep. They both figured that Harry's insomnia, and probably Louis too, could be cured with Louis presence. As much as they try to be sneaky, we all know. Even Paul. But we let them live in their happy bubble without interference.

Although I'm pretty sure that they haven't had sex since that time at Harry's. Haven't seen Louis limp or heard him scream at night. Tomorrow is our last concert in Europe tho, and we all decided they we should end it with Harry's performance of medicine. It would really end the Europe leg of the tour on a high. Leaving fans in like a 'mid orgasm' state.

It wasn't a hard decision at all, we all agreed. Louis still hasn't heard the song, so he just said to do whatever and said that he trusted us. I don't think he is ready for what's to come. But I'm sure it will end their sexless streak.

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