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I haven't heard him sing in forever, every time his song plays on the radio I shut it off, if it's played at the store, I walk out. And at home, everyone knows not to play it. But it's been hard, he is bloody everywhere.

I see him walking to the piano, sitting down, putting his fingers on the keys, taking a deep breath. Then he suddenly starts pressing them down. Playing a beautiful melody. I'm almost completely zoned out thanks to the beautiful man sitting and playing the piano. But I snap out of it when he starts singing

If you were a good friend
You'd always be there when I need it
Cause I'm on my knees and babe I'm bleeding
And it kills me that you're not around

Oh god, he sound beautiful. I did not remember him sounding this good back in the day. It may be how genuine his voice sound. He truly sings from his heart, and I'm scared that the song may be about me

So you're not my girlfriend
Don't pretend that makes us nothing
Tell me you don't miss this feeling
I'm starting to see who you are

I think we all know it's not a girlfriend but a boy, according to Liam, ha hasn't had a serious relationship since him and I broke up. I look around and see the other boys full attention on Harry. They all seem beyond moved at his voice and the beautiful song. Niall is already silently crying. Zayn is blinking rapidly, not wanting to show emotion. And Liam, well Liam is trying the hardest to inspect the ceiling in hopes of fighting the tears. I'm yet to cry. But it's hard not to.

Cause there's a time, there's a place
And I'm always gonna hear your name
There's a right, there's a wrong
And now I see that all along
I'm messed up, you'll be fine
I'm going to sleep alone tonight
Never gonna be the same, 'cause you're half the world away

I'm not sure if he is singing "I am messed up" or "I messed up" but it's heartbreaking either way.

A story you'd heard
Now you rest everything on these three words
Now I walk to you 'till my feet hurt
So tell me that's not good enough

We all hear him letting out a shaking breath, as if he too is getting emotional. Everyone in the room is on edge. Trying to keep calm while holding back tears that's could fill a bathtub. And no one was ready for the next part. He takes a deep breath and sings, the most genuine voice I have ever heard. And it breaks my heart.

And I started drinking
I don't know half of what I'm thinking
I'm deep in I'm scared I'll stop breathing
We've started to lose who we are

This was it. None of us could hold it in anymore. We all cry, letting tears fall from our eyes. How could I ever hurt this boy. Was it really that bad? Sure, I messed up, but could I have messed him up this bad. I see Niall crying more than before. Zayn drying off his tears with the back of his hand as they fall down. Liam looking down in the floor, making a pool of tears. And me. I just sit there. Tears flowing down my cheeks. Looking at the boy I broke. Regretting everything.

Cause there's a time, there's a place
And I'm always gonna hear your name
There's a right, there's a wrong
And now I see that all along
Im messed up, you'll be fine
I'm going to sleep alone tonight
Never gonna be the same

When the song ends, he opens his eyes for the first time since he started singing and looks straight at me. Not with anger or hatred like previous times. But with regret, love and misery. Even more tears flow down and I can not tear my eyes of the boy. This tuff boy shit is clearly just an act. And this song is clearly about us.

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