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*bang* *bang* *bang*

I take a deep breath before I jump off the bed and go to open the door. Still in my striped pyjama pants an white T-shirt I quickly take a look at who is standing in front if my door before turning the lock and letting them in. As the brown haired boy enters he looks me up and down, furrowing his brown before he starts shouting.

"What the... LOUIS, we are supposed to get going in 15 minutes. I will not, and I repeat I WILL NOT be late to one directions first meeting. I haven't seen the other boys in forever... Well... haven't seen you in weeks, come on, don't be shy, give me a hug" he smiles and opens his arm before I shake my head in amusement and let him give me a bear hug. It's typical Liam to start with shouting but ending his monologe with a big hug. I really missed him.

"Now, get upstairs and get changed, for the love of god" He continues when our hug turned out to almost be a tiny bit to long.

"Liam I have NO idea what to wear, i should just not go, you guys will be just fine without me and Harry will-" I don't even get to finish my sentence before he puts his finger up stoping my rant.

"I will help you pick an outfit, but never say that we will be fine without you, hell, majority of our songs would not exist without you so stop speaking bullshit, and Harry... Well I haven't spoken to him in forever, but I'm sure he will get over himself, you couldn't have screwed up so bad, I mean, it's Harry, he always comes around" I never told Liam what I did, I was always to ashamed and afraid.

"I'm not so sure about that this time..." I mumble while climbing the stairs, head hanging low.

In only 5 minutes Liam succeded in dressing me, and in another 2 minutes I manegaed to fix my fringe. I was dressed in black jeans and a grey sweatshirt and a pair of white Nike Air forces. Liams car stood parked outside with his driver waiting for us to hop in, as soon as we were seated Liam turned to me and explained that we have a 20 minute car ride ahead of us and that he would love to know what is going on inside of my head. It is no surprise, I have almost not spoken a word since Liam arrived, with the exception of my short rant that Liam quickly put an end to. I trust Liam, but there is no way I can tell him why Harry hates me. So I settle for the next best thing.

"uhh.. I'm just, you know, scared, to meet him again... It's been five years Liam, five years since we had a conversation, even when he showed up to the concert after my mother passed, he offered his condolences, gave me a small nod and smile and moved on talking to my sisters. I haven't been able to listen to his music, it just, you know, hurts to much... Knowing that he hates me and that things will never be the same. I just... wish things where different, i learned to ignore him, but now I will have to work with him every day, even smile and laugh in front of cameras... I just, ughhh, i don't know if I can handle it" I end my rant with my face in my hands, elbows digging in my thighs. I feel Liam sight before putting an arm on my shoulder, waiting for me to look him in the eyes before giving me a soft smile and answering.

"Listen, I don't know what happened between the two of you, you were so happy one day, and the next I only hear shouting and the band breaking up. Honestly I am a little mad at Harry for not talking to us all before deciding to take a break. I think whatever you to went trough it could be solved with communication, but both of you were to stubborn to see that. Maybe if you start communicating now, at least you can be friends, taking every day as it comes. You two are like, i don't know, made for each other. You know, bonnie to clyde, keatchup to fries and all that cheesy shit." I actually laugh at this before realizing that I lost the keatchup to my fries, the love of my life. Well I am the only one to blame. I took his love for granted and thought he loved me more than himself and couldn't leave me even if he wanted, but everything has it's limit. This was his.

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