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I feel Louis getting closer and closer before sitting down besides me. Now both of us staring at the wall. We sit there for a couple of minutes, no words exchanged. Pulling ourselves together. Only the occasional sniffer from both of us disturbing the peace.

"I really fucked up, and I'm well aware nothing I say can change what I did, but I would love to explain to you how and why it happened, maybe bring some closure, if you'll let me"

Niall told me to listen to his side of the story, I know he is right, I may not be ready but I need to have the question I dream about every night answered, 'why'?

"Go ahead, start at the begging please"

"Well you and I were like a match made in heaven. Perfect, in other words. And god we were so in love."

"I know that, no need to remind me, but if you were so in love why did you sleep with her?"

"I'm getting there.... So like I said, I loved you with my whole heart. But as we both know, management wasn't a big fan of our relationship. We both got a handful of things thrown at us by them, all the stunts, beards and hurtful words. But after a while they stopped forcing you out on dates. Or at least they were very rare, but that was due to my, as they always said, 'long term girlfriend'. But the rumors never stopped, our fans still saw our loving stares. It was imposible for us to completely shut off in public, and for management to be happy. So they kind of gave me an ultimatum"

"They what?" I see him take a deep shaky breath, reliving all this can't be easy for him, it sure isn't for me.

"Firstly they said that I either have to break up with you, or they will destroy my music career. And that was really a no brainer, I picked you. But then they found my weakness. They said that either I break up with you, and make it real, no BS, or they will end your music career. They then went on and told me that I'm holding you back, that I'm too ugly for you and too sucky of a singer to be with you. That you deserve someone better, someone that would bring you up and not down. They said that I made you gay, and therefore destroyed you. I think they ended their ultimatum with 'you are already bringing him down as a person, do you really want to destroy his singing too? You know Harry loves singing too much and would die without it. He would choose singing over you every day of the week'."

Oh god pleas tell me he didn't believe that.
"Please tell me you didn't fall for that Louis?" He looks down at his feet, once again wiping away some tears.

"I'm sorry Harry, I'm so sorry, but I didn't want to, I was scared that they would set you up for crazy stunts, or kick you out of the band, I didn't want you to loose everything you worked for."

"That was my choice to make, and I would have chosen you over singing, just like you would have done for me"

"But it would have been the wrong choice Harry, you are meant for this, you even got a Grammy"

"Fuck the Grammy, you don't get to decide what is right for me. And besides, that still doesn't explain why you had to cheat on me with Elenour, you knew I didn't like her. You could've just broken up with me like a normal person. Or just have told me the truth"

"If I told you the truth, you would have thrown your career out of the window. But the cheating part was wrong of me" I just let out a snort. No shit it was. That was the part that destroyed me. Before I get the chance to snap at him he continues.

"After the meeting they gave me 2 months to break up with you, meanwhile they gave me more and more stunts with Elenour. So I told her the ultimatum and I guess she saw that I was weak and took her chance. Suddenly she was really nice to me, supporting me through everything, things I couldn't say to you. So I started seeing her more often just to talk. I promise, nothing else. I knew it was killing you, seeing me with her all the time, even tho I wasn't forced by management"

5 years too late [L.S]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon