3. My LOVE❤

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I was at the dining table waiting for Arnav to join me for dinner on a Sunday. My parents cracked up on some joke Rahul made up, which I ignored. They eyed me suspiciously when I didn't take a bite and didn't laugh along with them too, but none spoke anything.

My face lit up hearing Arnav descending the stairs. I turned my face and was rewarded with the sight of him dressed in casuals - A pair of Jeans and a T-Shirt. He paced to the dining table, and I observed his every movement. The sound of him pulling a chair broke my trance, and he sat opposite to me.

I began eating after he took a bite of my handmade sugar-free kheer. He savored the dish, and my heart swelled in pride. That's when I heard my mother speaking, "Arnav beta, How's kheer?" I focused on his answer, not registering any other sound, and smiled brightly, hearing him "Delicious." I raised my invisible collar, mentally giving myself a high-five.

I choked on my food, hearing my mother's following words "I lost track of time until your mother Ratna called today. Are you leaving the day after tomorrow, Arnav?" I hoped he would nod in negative, fully aware of what's about to come. One month passed by in a blur, and I got accustomed to his presence.

My breath hitched, and my eyes glistened when he nodded in affirmation. He seemed to notice the tears forming in my eyes, but he marched out, informing, "I'm going out, Uncle. Will be back by tomorrow afternoon."

It pricked my heart seeing him walk away even after noticing my fallen face. I ran to my room, leaving my food, raising doubts in my parents, but I didn't care. The last thing I wish is to cry in front of them, confessing how my attachment to Arnav grew intense day by day.

My friend Lavanya called me the following day, reminding me about the Fresher's party. I groaned in frustration, not having an option to skip it.

It was almost evening, but there was no trace of Arnav. I craved to catch a glimpse of him, but he seems to be busy with something more important than me. It hurts that the man who couldn't stand my slightest discomfort left even after witnessing my moist eyes.

I showered for about half an hour, letting the warm water relax me. I came out wrapped in a towel and started drying my hair. I was taking my hair to one side of my shoulder when I noticed a designer dress piece and matching accessories arranged on my bed.

I looked around confused before pacing to my bed. I took the note lying beside the dress and brought it into my hands, reading, "To The Most Beautiful Girl In My Life, I would love to see you in this dress tonight!"

I ran my fingers across the dress, admiring its smooth fabric and intricate lace design. I pondered over the note before settling with what seems a better answer - Rahul or Papa might've bought it for me.

It's a light yellow gown with thin straps. I glanced at myself in the mirror and wondered how perfectly it hugged my curves as if it's designed exclusively for me, taking my measurements. I paired the dress with the accessories on my bed- Diamond Earrings, Platinum bracelet, and Silver-colored shining pointed heels.

I put on a little mascara highlighting my eyes and nude lipstick. I gave myself an approving glimpse after tying my hair into a messy bun. I paced outside and noticed Arnav waiting for me.

I chose to ignore him but couldn't after he took my name in his deep husky voice. I felt an emotion in his voice I never sensed before. My anger vanished into thin air, and I accompanied him. He opened the door to his car like a gentleman, and I hopped in.

Arnav was by my side throughout the party and didn't leave my hand for a second. I could feel sweat beads forming on his forehead that were quickly dabbed with his hanky. My brows furrowed in confusion witnessing The Mighty Arnav Singh Raizada anxious.

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