2.2 - Closer

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Not Proofread! Kindly ignore typos.

I woke up the following day at around 7 am and descended downstairs in my pink nightgown, yawning feeling thirsty. I took in the sight of my father reading newspaper and greeted him "Good morning, Papa!" I gave him a peck on his cheek and he smiled at me.

I strolled to the kitchen lazily and was about to open the refrigerator to grab a water bottle when my mother hit me gently, yelling, "Pari, Brush your teeth first." and paced to the kitchen smiling, "My girl is such a baby!" which probably wasn't meant for me to hear.

I quickly brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush in my parents room and ambled to the kitchen to annoy my mother.

Like every other girl, I'm more of a father's princess, but I also love annoying my mother and following her everywhere.

My mother pushed a tray into my hands as soon as I entered the kitchen. "Yuck, Mamma! What the hell is this?" I spoke in pure displeasure, inhaling its bitter smell.

"Black Coffee," I heard my mother answering calmly when I'm anything but composed due to some significant smell taking away my morning freshness.

"Noooooo... I want Milk!" I shouted rather loudly before my mother hit my head gently with her hand in a fist and murmured, "Pagal."

I recalled Arnav commenting the same, and the following two words 'But Cute' warmed my cheeks.

I was broken out of my thoughts by my mother declaring, "It's not for you, Pari. Give it to Arnav. Also, It's sugar-free." She placed a glass of Milk on the same tray before indulging in her morning routine again.

I wished to retort, but my mother was too engrossed to pay any attention. I climbed the stairs with my nostrils flared, not having any choice other than encountering Mr. Arrogant.

I strolled into his room, forgetting to knock. I never knock before entering my brother's or parents room as I'm super close to them.

My eyes searched for Arnav, but he wasn't present in the room. I was about to place the coffee on the bedside table when I found him on the poolside.

"They're my plants."

I found it cute witnessing him water and groom my plants. I must admit he did it better than me caring for every sapling. The fact that he's perfect in everything he does gave me mixed feelings.

I stood there gazing at him before he noticed me. He took long strides and was before me in seconds. I wonder if he's some vampire pretending to be human having watched Twilight.

A fly appeared from nowhere all of a sudden and landed on my nose. I was about to move my one hand when I realized that the tray had two glasses, and I cannot balance it with a single hand.

I shook my head furiously, but that stupid fly seems to enjoy my soft skin. That's when my eyes widened in horror. Arnav brought his hand forward, holding a cutter.

"Am I dying at this moment?"

"Oh, No!"

"Please don't kill me, Arnav. I know you're a vampire, but I'm not sure that my blood is delicious. If you still wish to devour me, I can go to a clinic and give you a bottle of my blood. But, please don't kill me," I prattled, trying to save myself.

His expressions changed from confusion to amusement, and he laughed hard, declaring, "You.....are......crazy!" I must admit that he looks adorable while laughing - The Award to Best Laughter goes to Arnav Singh Raizada.

"I don't mind devouring you at all, but don't you feel it's too soon?," He whispered into my ear, knocking the sense out of my head giving me goosebumps moments later.

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