The demon queen

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(Tanjiro pov)

"Giyu have you seen y/n?!" I asked him as he pointed y/n to me. "Thanks!" I yelled as I ran towards y/n. I kneeled down before her. Her head was looking at the ground. She was missing a arm. She was still holding her sword. It has a scratch on it. "Y/n?! Are you okay? Please tell me your alive! You can't leave now! Douma is finally a human! You can be with him!" I yelled as I started to cry a little. But then I sniffed the air. It smelled like demon. She looked at me. Her eyes were like muzan.

I jumped Back

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I jumped Back. She was about to hit me. Then y/n was about to attack the demon slayer corps members. But then giyu saved them. Y/n was starting to burn. The hashira came and saw this.

"What the hell is going on?! What's happening to the sun bitch?!" Sanemi yelled. "She's turning into a demon!" I said. Then sanemi was about to attack y/n but she grabs him and throws him at a building. He went threw the walls.

The. I saw zensitsu and inosuke coming. We all started to attack her but we all ended up failing.

Then gymoei was about to attack with his weapon. But y/n punched his right side of the head. And it flew off. I was panicking that y/n killed a comrade. Then Shinobu came with the cure. She was about to stick it in y/n. Y/n made a shockwave. Shinobu fell backwards. "Y/n! Stop this! You are hurting everyone!!! Please stop this!!" I yelled out as I started to cry.

Then I see Douma came running. Y/n saw him and attacked him. Y/n was on top of Douma.

"Y/n!! Please stop this!! I know this isn't you! Please come back to me!" Douma shouted as he was crying

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"Y/n!! Please stop this!! I know this isn't you! Please come back to me!" Douma shouted as he was crying. Then y/n bite Douma's shoulders. Douma screamed in pain. "Y/n! You are hurting Douma! Stop that! He's your best friend!" I yelled out. "Tanjiro come here. I need to give you the cure" Shinobu said as I walked to her. She handed me the cure. Then something was coming out of y/n's mouth. It was shaped like a ball. It was bright.

I ran towards y/n and and tried to inject her with the medicine. But she blocked the attack. "Y/n! Stop this please!" I yelled out. She stopped for a moment but then she make a shockwave. I was blasted away. The hashira came to attack y/n.

Sanemi and giyu were teaming up on her. But y/n scratched giyu's face. She got his eyes so he was blind. Then mitsuri came in and tried to pin down y/n movements. But she was thrown to a building but iguro caught her. They were both spitting out blood. Then tengen and Sanemi were attacking her. I joined up with them. Then Sanemi, iguro, and me combined our attacks. We pushed y/n inside of a building. Y/n left Douma laying out there.

Y/n was about to snatch sanemi's head off. But then her hand was cut off. Uppermoon 1 came out of the shadows. "Im y/n brother and I will help you guys get her under control" he said as I nod yes. But tengen and Sanemi were not that trust worthy of this demon.

Y/n teleported behind her brother. She started the ball thing up again. She shit it right at us but uppermoon 1 blocked it. But then y/n made a shockwave. We grabbed on to poles except her brother. "Give me the cure" uppermoon 1 asked as I handed it to him.

Y/n teleported in front of me. Then her brother tied her down. He started to inject her with the cure. But she made a shockwave that blasted him away and all of us too. Y/n started to attack her brother. He was barely dodging. He could not attack. Then Shinobu came. She helped uppermoon 1. But then y/n grabbed her head and smashed it into the ground. But then y/n's brother was holding her arm. Shinobu was still alive but really hurt.

"Y/n! Please stop this!! Please stop!!    I love you" Douma yelled as he ran in here. "You sho-" I was interrupted by y/n tackling Douma down. She started to protect him.


Do you want y/n to become human again or keep her as a demon.

Please comment on which one you want most

A) make her human again

B) keep her as a demon and make her the antagonist

I'll save you Douma Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant