Lady Tamayo and Yushiro

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\ - Y/n POV - /

I just finished my first mission. Now I'm heading to a place called Asakusa. The crow says theirs a demon there. It also says there will be someone joining me. But they did not tell me who...' I thought as I continued my journey.

-* time skip *-

I finally made it to Asakusa. I looked around to see a lot of people and big shiny lights. 'It's so crowded and bright here. How can they live like this?' I thought as I sense someone familiar is here. I walked to see tanjiro and some gi-'a demon with tanjiro?' I thought as I walked up to them. "Ahhh! Y/n?! Why are you here?!" Tanjiro said with a confused faced. "I have a mission here. And I'm teaming up wit-" I was interrupted by the udon owner. "Your food is ready!" He yelled.

"Oh yeah!" Tanjiro said as he walked up to the cart to grab his food. "What about those to ladies?! Don't they want some?! Have some udon!!!" He said. "No thank you" I said as tanjiro took a seat next to the demon. "Tanjiro is that girl someone special to you?" I said as I pointed to her. "Yes very special. She's my little sister" he said with a smile. I put down my box right next to the demon girl. Then I sensed some powerful demon. I looked around to see if it's here. Then I looked at tanjiro. He dropped his food and stood up. 'He sense it too' I thought as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Let me handle this. Your not on that level yet" I said as I ran off. "Wait! Let me co-" Tanjiro said as he begin to run too.

I ran threw the crowd to see the demon. Then it just hit me. At my house I sensed a powerful demon there. Is he this one?? I stopped running. 'I'll just follow him to a private place' I thought as I see tanjiro put his hand on the demon's shoulder. Then the demon turned around to looked at us. I see fear in his eye? Nvm that for right now. Then tanjiro tried to put his hand on his sword but I grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry sir. Me and my friend were loooking for his dad. He has the same suit as you do! It's a small world" I said as tanjiro looked shock about the little girl being human.

"Oh that's alright I hope you find your dad" he said as his wife came. "Honey do you know these people?" She said. "No I don't know who they are" he said as he scratched someone's neck. 'What a dick' I thought as I see the guy struggle. "Honey we should get going" the wife said as she takes the little girl and walks away. "Yes dear" he said as he looked back at us. Then I gave him a death glare.

He turned around in fear

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

He turned around in fear. And starts to walk away. 'I will get you next time Muzan Kibutsuji mark my words.'

I see tanjiro holding the newly turned demon. I walked over to them. "Do you need help?" I said. "Yeah! We need to help him!" Tanjiro said. "Yeah... I'll hold him done since ya struggling" I said as I sensed some demons in the crowd. 'Why are they not attacking us?!' I thought as I held the demon with one arm standing up.

Then the police came. 'Just great' I sighed. "Ma'am please let go of the man!" A police officer said as i continued to hold the demon. "Please officer! We are helping him. He's turning into a de-" tanjiro was interrupted by me putting his hands over his mouth. "They wouldn't understand. They are police officers they don't know what a demon is" I said with a sigh. I put my hand of tanjiro's mouth.

I'll save you Douma حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن