Alek is a few centuries older than me, and very much wiser– spent their whole life in Winter court and never taken a step out, just like me until a month ago. We're extremely close because we live so close and I suppose the slight age gap helps too.

"What's wrong? You look terrible." I swat their arm and a throaty laugh dances around the room of their larger cottage.

Alek's home is slightly bigger than ours but they live alone without a partner or children of their own– which always sounded lonely to me, but right now I couldn't think of anything better. I guess when you only have yourself to worry about, you can afford better things– but I wouldn't trade my family for anything.

"I just found out two people close to me, lied to me." They don't respond, allowing me to say all I need.

"How can you lie to someone and claim you care for them?" I mumble to myself.

"If they cared about you and wanted to protect you, at least they had good intentions, right?"

Renae lied because she believed I couldn't handle the shocking news of having a mate- which isn't far off. I never knew it could happen this fast.

But Adara lied about being Daemati because she wanted to keep diving into our minds whenever she pleased without any of us suspecting anything. She lied to protect herself.

"And if they were protecting themselves?"

"We're talking about Adara?" I give them a nod in response.

"Then she lied to protect you and your siblings. Adara is many things, but she loved you all too much to lie for herself– have you talked to her?" I shake my head this time.

"It's probably best to. Let her explain. So who's the other person? It isn't me, right? Honestly I can't remember our last conversation never–"

"Alek, it isn't you. Just someone I met in the Night court."

"Ahh! Romantic place, the Night court." They wink as if they're Daemati too.

"How- you've never been!"

"I've seen paintings and heard stories- ok yes, I haven't a clue, but if this person is a romantic friend of yours, then I'm sure you'll find it in you to forgive them. A trait of yours I admire, unlike the rest of them." I slap their upper arm again and we both laugh.

"Can I stay the night–to think about what I'll say?" I say after the laughter dies down. Alek nods and gives a smile that says 'I would like nothing more'.

Alek and I were always close friends and we've helped each other through any problems the Cauldron threw at us. They were there when I found out I would be leaving to work for the Night court and I held them whilst they cried over the news, unsure of whether they were happy for me.

I wouldn't trust anybody with this more than Alek.


After the sun arose the next morning, Alek pushed me out of their door and towards Adara's cottage. I had barely wiped away the sleep from my eyes and stretched my aching muscles before Adara's figure stood with dark rings around her guilt-stricken eyes.

"I thought you'd be home by now." She mumbles and shifts on her feet awkwardly.

"This is my home."

"Of course- I didn't mean- Come in for a drink? The little ones are sleeping." I follow her inside and she instantly breaks down with tears you wouldn't believe she had left after the state she's in.

"I know it was wrong to keep this from you, and the others. I'll tell them- I promise. I swear I never meddled with your thoughts or your siblings'."

"I thought- at the time- that you did. To make us stop crying or to get us all to clean up after ourselves or to call you Mother. But now- I've realised we do those things and feel those things because you are our mother. I'm not happy that you didn't tell me and I've honestly tried to think why you did, but I was still wrong to believe you would ever use the power for your own purposes."

Her tears flow stronger– out of relief than guilt and I pull her into a hug and bury my head in her neck.

"It was my fault that you and Renae fell out. I made her say it, knowing you were there."

"You read her thoughts?"

"No, she has barriers around her mind which stop my powers from reaching her thoughts. I won't get into it now, ask Rhys or one of his followers. I- I read yours and saw the memory of you snooping at her conversation with Feyre."

I thought I'd feel guilt for snooping but Adara feels worse about reading my mind than I did. Now wasn't the time to fall out over her fishing through my thoughts again.

"But how did you know-"

"Ali, it was very obvious." I blush at the raised eyebrow and complete surprise that I hadn't figured it out sooner. It wasn't totally obvious..

"I have a mate," I say to myself, "a female mate!"

Through all the secrets and lies I hadn't even realised that my mate was a female!

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