Chapter 5

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- Third person's pov -

"This is the stupidest thing we've ever done." Itachi comments as the two walked through the halls of ROOT, checking every room as they went.

"But were we caught?" Shisui asks, glancing back at him as he led the way through the maze of halls.

"Well no-"

"Then don't complain."

The two were currently walking through the halls of ROOT disguised as two operatives they took out a few minuets ago.

They had a vague idea of where to go, being there once to deliver a message, but they had never went past the first floor. This became a problem when they reached the stairs and saw a list of all the floors and their purpose.

"You've got to be kidding me." Shisui groans looking at the list. "How are we supposed to find her now? It's not like we can just go down to the-" He glances at the list, "-forteenth floor where they keep the training rooms and ask!"

"You're right," Itachi sighs as he looks at the list of floors, why they needed a chemical lab he didn't know and didn't want to find out.

"This would be so much simpler if we could just track her chakra!"

It would be easier, and the two would have been using that method of finding Ava had they not already tired. As they found out, there was a seal of the hideout where individuals can't be tracked by their chakra signature. It was a safety precaution for those wishing to find Danzō.

"We might as well start with the next floor." Itachi sighs leading the way, Shisui complaining all the way.


Ava had found herself looking at the drawing again. For some reason, she couldn't find it in herself to get rid of it. Every time a room inspection happened she hid it.

There was no room for attainments and emotions in ROOT, that had been ingrained into her ever since she arrived. At first, Ava tried to ignore those lessons and only focus on the training. But, over time, it became harder; conditioning being especially hard to ignore.

So, after all that and the firm reminder the black haired boy's absence played, she couldn't figure out why she held onto the drawing. It was ironic really, to be trained to not have attachments only to become attached to a drawing. There had to be a reason, at least, Ava hoped there was one.

She goes to leave the room but hesitates as she glances at the picture one more time. A sigh leaves her and she walks over and folds it before putting it in her back pocket.

Exiting her room, she walked down the hall and towards the stairs, only to find it blocked by ROOT operatives. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that they had also blocked the way she had come.

"What's wrong?"

"You are to come with us to the chemical lab." The one standing in the middle of the stairwell answered.

"Why?" Ava asks as she took note of the operatives reaching for their weapons.

They didn't answer, only stepping into defense positions. Ava watches them with a blank stare, it seemed her usefulness had run out.

From what she gathered, those who went into the chemical lab didn't come back. Those brought in were also those taken from clans with kekkei genkai, just like her.

"You know," Ava states, grabbing the hilt of her sword, "I don't feel like dying today."

That seemed to be the straw that broke the camels back as the ROOT ops charged her. Pulling out her sword, she ducks under a punch and steps forward, sending a blow to the operative's throat. The operative stumbled back, off guard, allowing Ava to send a side kick to their sternum causing them to fall over and fall down the stairs.

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