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Vale, Afternoon

A capital that is brimming with people all around, living their lives like usual. Regular climate, natural barriers, and some serious border defenses means the citizens of Vale can spend less time worrying about survival, and more time just living their lives.

In the silent back alleys however, we see a freakishly tall man that is hidden by the shadows cast by the buildings, with the only visible feature being a paper bag that they are wearing over their head, crouched over a sickly-looking person while rummaging through a small case on the floor.

???: "I swear i put the bottle somewhere in here..."

??? #2: "I appreciate your help, Doc, but i dont think i would last longer out here anyways, with your treatment or not..."

*cough* *cough*

The male coughed out some blood, as he clenched his throat as if something was strangling him. After a while, he let his grip free, as he stared into the doctor. He did not notice however, that the doctor slightly clenched his hands the moment he saw him spit out blood.

???: "..What Doctor would i be, if i let people like you pass by?"

The doctor gazed at the sickly person, with only one eye-hole on the paper-bag that they were wearing for the person to stare back at, with full confidence.

???: "Trust me, I've already dealt with my fair share of cases. Yours is like dealing with a simple cold. Now, be quiet. Do not waste your energy on trivial things such as speaking."

The person nodded, as they simply lied down on the floor, closing their eyes.




???: "Aha!"

The sickly person opened their eyes, only to find a pill capsule being put in their mouth, as they gulped it down and looked at the tall man.

???: "Now, please take the medicine i will provide you with in regular doses, and you should soon see your condition improve. Eventually, it will outright disappear. I have also included a table of times that you should take the medicine. Now then, i must be going!"


The man simply closed the small case, and placed the medicine on the person's hand alongside the paper note, before picking the case up and walking away, without a care in the world.

??? #2: "W-Wait, you forgot to get your pay-!"

With a howl of the wind, the person blinked, and the tall man had seemingly vanished from thin air.

??? #2: "-ment.."

The sick person sighed before standing up and walking out of the alleyway, and into the busy streets.

??? #2: "He could've at least taken some money to help him out.."

Reading the paper that was provided to him, he failed to notice the print behind the paper, as he pocketed it, before walking away, presumably to his home.

??? #2: "Wait until she hears about this."

Wandering Doctor L/N

???: "Ah, how treating a patient brings me relief! Now, where to next..."

Pulling out a clipboard from seemingly thin air, he flipped around the pages, before stopping in one particular page.

???: "Hmm... I will get onto this case later. For now, i should wander around and see who needs help."

Wandering Doctor (RWBY X Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя