MAMA 2018

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It was always such a high.

Winning an award, going up on stage, and staring out at the thousands of fans that had given up their time to be there to support them. It never failed to bring a rush of adrenaline each time.

Bennie was still feeling the effects of that rush even after they had sat back in their seats, with yet another Daesang under their belt. Namjoon's speech for their Album of the Year award was amazing.

The group of 8 were seated in their section. Nervousness etched on their faces. They had won "Artist of the Year" twice in a row already, for the first time in 2016 and for the second time last year in 2017. They had just gotten back from performing their song 'IDOL,' so their hearts were still beating fast from all of the adrenaline they had after performing.

Even though they had already received the award for "Album of the Year," their hearts were still pumping anxiously even more now, knowing what award was being presented next.

Of course, they were all well aware of their presence in the world, aware of all the work they put in. But that didn't mean they were destined to win.

Questions and doubts went through every member's heads.

What if they don't win? Did all of their work pay off? Did they do enough? Did they deserve this? Was this all worth it?

The presenter walked up on stage and down the center aisle before reaching the microphone. The screen behind him showed the words "ARTIST OF THE YEAR."

All of the members exchanged looks with each other. Some were harder to read than others. But their expressions showed signs of both nervousness and excitement at the same time. Bennie was trying her best to hide her anxiousness, but in the end, the only people who could tell were her members. Bennie placed her hand on her knee to try and stop it from bouncing. Her breathing sped up a bit as the tension was killing her at this moment. 

Yoongi, who was keeping a close eye on her the whole time, placed his hand on top of her other knee and smiled softly at her. Bennie's knee stopped bouncing, and she smiled warmly back at him. She glanced again at her other members, who she could tell were nervous but trying to compose themselves.

Namjoon looked at the members and nodded at them reassuringly, letting them know that it would be alright without any words being said.

Shortly after, the presenter's voice boomed across the arena.

"Hello! This year's artists have come out with wonderful music and performances. And now have worked extremely hard to make every dance and note a show stopper. Now we will see this year's nominees for the Artist of the Year Daesang!" The presenter excitedly turned towards the screen, presenting segments of different idols and groups' music videos. 

The last segment was BTS, and the screen showed a segment of their 'IDOL' music video. As soon as that song was heard, all of the ARMYs in the audience screamed at the top of their lungs, cheering for the group.

Jungkook, who was fidgeting with his fingers of a nervous habit, suddenly clung onto Bennie's hand, trying to calm himself down. Each one of the member's faces turned stone cold, now impossible to read.

"Now then, let's reveal this year's Artist of the Year!" Bennie looked up towards the stage as the presenter opened the envelope. So all they could do was sit there and wait to see who's name would be called off the card in the presenter's hands.

Jet Bennie - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now