Settling In

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"A boy band!?"

After Bennie had settled into her new dorm room with the boys, she immediately called Elijah before going to bed.

"Aiya! I'm going to have grey hair! And I'm only 19!"

To say that her brother sounded concerned was an understatement. He sounded shocked at the thought of his baby sister living with boys. He knew he couldn't get in the way of her dreams, but he can still feel protective and worried.

"It's not that bad!" Bennie promised, letting the wind blow through her hair gently. "Really! I mean, I do have to share a room with Jungkookie... but it's still not-"

"Wait a minute...Who's Jungkookie?"

Bennie let out an annoyed sigh. "He's one of my new members. But, unfortunately, we were short on rooms, so he has to share one with me."

" least you're making new friends," Elijah responded, feeling somewhat better.

Bennie was happy to know that she had more friends now. It felt good to be in a group. It brought her a sense of security.

"Ben...your family and I are happy that you're okay, and we can't wait for you to debut! I promise to be at the live show when it happens!"

Bennie smiled to herself. He was always so supportive

"Alright, I have to get going, Saja...I love you! Sleep well!"

"Okay! Love you, Goodnight!"

Just as she hung up, she stuck her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. She starred out at the city from above, taking in the scenery; she rested her arms on the balcony barriers.

Suddenly, a voice from behind startled her.

"Bennie-ssi, the food is here."

Bennie turned to see Seokjin standing at the entrance to the balcony. Gosh...he looked even prettier in the moonlight.

"Thank you!" Bennie smiled at him.

Seokjin smiled back as the two of them strolled over to the dining room.

There was something magical about her smile. It was so charming that he couldn't help but feel fuzzy inside whenever she would flash her teeth at him.

He was very excited to get to know her better.


Bennie entered the dining room and was surprised to see two new boys sitting at the table. One of them was about her height, and his eyes lit up when he looked in her direction. The other boy was very handsome and had longer hair. He looked like he grew up on a farm, considering how strong his biceps looked. Both of them looked to be the same age.

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin." The first boy quickly bowed to her with a smitten look on his face.

Bennie couldn't help but smirk at him. He was definitely a charmer.

"I'm Kim Taehyung. It's great to meet you both." His voice was deep, just like hers. It felt comforting to have another member that has a similar voice to her.

Jet Bennie - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now