Chapter 15

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"Zack, get behind me!" Zoey grabbed her brother's cape and tugged him back.

I took a deep breath. My time to shine. I turned to my friends and nodded at them. "I got this under control."

Take me to the fire.

Before I knew what had happened, I was surrounded by flames. I looked back and saw my friends yelling my name, except I couldn't hear them. I could only see their mouths moving frantically.

"Daisy," I said. "I know it's you."

"You don't know anything," a voice sneered from somewhere near me.

I closed my eyes and moved my hands in a circle motion. Round and around.

"Destroy the flames," I whispered. A stream of water soared above me and started taking out the fire.

"How dare you?"

I turned to look on my right and saw a girl in a hooded cape. Daisy.

"You can't stop me. You can never stop me," she shouted. She suddenly ran towards me and grabbed my shoulders, causing me to spin. I tried to push her off but her grip was way too strong.

"Let go of her!" a voice commanded. We stopped spinning and I fell to the floor. I was so dizzy.

I followed Daisy's glance and blinked a couple of times. Parker?

"How did you..."

Parker's eyes met mine. "Don't worry about it."

Daisy smiled, rather fakely, at us. "Shall I leave you two alone?"

"What? You're not going to attack me again or something?"

"I don't want to give it... I mean, myself away," Daisy said, then vanished away.


I looked up to find Parker's hand, extended to me. I took it and he helped me up.

"Are you okay?" he wanted to know.

"I'm fine. Oh, I really hope Daisy's okay."

Parker patted me on the back. "Look, I know how it is to lose someone. Especially a family member," he consoled.

I looked at him in surprise. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Parker bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut. "Remember when you read my mind?"

"Please, don't remind me!" I let out a heavy sigh.

Parker let out one single sad laugh. "Well, I think I thought about my brother at that time. Johnny. He... he disappeared one day. We were in Toosoll Twins Forest. He was my best friend. I blame it on myself. If I just paid attention to what he was doing a bit more, maybe..."

"Toosoll Twins? But that's where Daisy was taken!" I exclaimed, my eyes widened.

Parker looked taken aback. "Really? Um... well, it's probably just a coincidence. Hey, we should head back to the others."

I nodded and followed his footsteps. "Parker?"


"What happened to your brother? It's not your fault," I said.

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