LXV. Guitar Lessons

Start from the beginning

"You said it at our small weekend getaway," he said as-a-matter-of-factly. "You asked me if someone else in my family had them and I answered it was my great grandfather. You said you would date anybody from my gene pool."

Conan could feel a tint of crimson rise to his cheeks. He couldn't tell if Heath were joking or if he were serious. Good thing he couldn't see his face.

"That was dumb," Conan said, remembering he was drunk too. 

"I thought it was cute, you didn't look like a fool," Heath sung-said happily. Conan's eyes landed on his hands. The fingertips looked unconventionally blue. 

"Hey," he said as he stopped playing, looking exhausted, "Why are your fingertips blue?"

"I don't know," Heath said, his brows furrowed. "I was painting in the morning maybe the color wouldn't wash off."

"Yeah, maybe," he said, not realizing he was holding his hand. He quickly let it go. "Will you stay the night?"

"Of course, not like I have anywhere to go," Heath said. "I will text Lim and ask her what happened."

"Do that please," Conan said, kissing him gently. "I have some stuff to do around town. Meetings and things. It will take a a few hours at most."

i am in love again except its different n better

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i am in love again except its different n better

Tweeted by Conan Gray at 3:38 PM 

678K likes, 8745 retweets, 567 comments

dont text, just kiss

Heath: is ur recent tweet about me? just confirming ;)

Conan: not really, its about Draco Malfoy

Heath: i m breaking up with u n going fr harry potter

Conan: i- 

Heath: oh wait. lim replied

Conan: is she stealing my bf?

Heath: yes 🙃

"Boyfriend? Nice," Karla said, pouring their coffee into two cups

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"Boyfriend? Nice," Karla said, pouring their coffee into two cups. He had just realized she was reading over his shoulder, her glasses perched on her nose. Her wife wasn't here and Conan assumed she was still at work. 

"Even Daisy looks happier now that she knows I have a boyfriend," Conan said, glancing at the year old baby who was walking to him all by herself. He put his phone down on the table and pulled the child to his lap. 

"Would like to adopt for a week?" Karla said, sounding serious. "Would be good parenting training for you and your boyfriend."

"We just started dating," Conan rolled his eyes and Daisy laughed, reaching out for his eyeballs. "I think you need your wife's permission for that too."

"Yeah," Karla said, laughing hollowly as is Conan had bough up a dead relative. "I think my h-wife would agree."

"Speaking of your wife," Conan said and Karla paled. It was really hot in there. "I don't see any photos of her around the house anymore."

"Clonan," Daisy said, getting her tongue twisted, "Toy."

Conan poked her cheeks, which made her giggle. He handed her the toy which she threw down and grinned. 

"Was she always like this?" he asked and Karla shrugged, as if to say kids were unpredictable.

 "I think it's gotten worse these days. Wants more attention. I have been busier."

"I could ask the label to free up your schedule," Conan suggested but she brushed it off. "You leave Daisy to me on Sunday."

"No, I want my child back in one piece," Karla said pungently. "But the offer is tempting."

"I love your child too much," he said as Daisy made the puppy face, her brown eyes sparkling as they did in cartoons. He grabbed the Spongebob figure and handed it to her again. "She still sleeps in a crib?"

"Gives me a bit of sleep at night, keeping her in that," she sighed. "Now, let me explain the schedule."


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