Lost in Hope| 34

790 43 4

Third Person Pov

Jisung stood at the door awkwardly, bowing after a long silence.

The two professors looked at each other embarassed that a student had caught them gossiping. To Jisungs favor, ignoring his sudden out burst.

The owner of the first voice coughed and give me a strained smile. He glanced at the clock.

"Ah, I see you must be waiting for class," He said. "Theres still 5 minutes until class so find a seat."

Jisung nodded and rushed over to a seat.

The two professors whispered something to eachother quickly and the second professor walked out of the room.

Soon students started to fill the room and soon after the professor indrouced himself has Mr. Moon and Jisung found him to be quiet an interseting man despite his need to gossip.

Though Jisung focused hard in class, raising his hand, answering correctly, participating in everything, he felt uneasy that Minho hadn't texted him.

Actaully he a little angry he hadn't told him he was leaving at all. Even the slightest "I'm leaving town for a bit" would have been nice. Jisung convinced himself Minho was in a rush and had forgot.

They weren't official or even close to that, they've only gone on one date so Minho couldn't feel obligated to tell Jisung everything.

"Class dismissed, I expect tomorrow a 3 page essay on music thoery so we can get started on the fun aspect of music!" Mr. Moon finished with a clap of his hands and a bright smile.

The class shot back a groan of annoyance but everyone was excited to move on from music thoery.

"Mr. Han?" Mr. Moon called for Jisung while people were filing out of the classroom. Jisung shallowed a small bit of fear and walked to the front of the room.

"Yes, Mr. Moon?" Jisung asked.

Mr. Moon smiled his usual bright smile. "Now, I understand you transfered?"

Jisung nodded.

"You have missed many classes." The prof started, sorting papers on his desk. "But I'm sure," He paused to show Jisung a smile. "You'll do just fine."

Jisung wasn't sure were this was going. "Thank you, sir."

Mr. Moon grabbed a binder from under his desk and held it out to Jisung. "This-" He said taping on the thick binder, "-is the materiel we've learned so far. Study up tonight and I'll give you 2 extra days to write your report as well as I'll need you to copy whatever questions are in there onto a paper and answer them to catch up."

Jisung's jaw almost dropped as he stared at the very thick, very intimidating binder, processing the information.

"Of cousre the questions can be done next week if you feel like it but I would strongly suggest doing them now or as fast as  possible so you don't get left behind or lost."

Jisungs throat suddenly became very dry. He licked his lips as he took the blinder, eyeing the papers inside.

"I-I will get this done by this friday, sir!" Jisung stammered out.

Mr. Moon smiled and nodded.

"I love your enthusiasm! Now, hurry to your next class." The professor shooed him away.

Jisung grabbed he binder and hurried away. A wave of anixety washed over him. How was he suppose to complete all the work in a week?!

Jisung shook his head and ran to his next class, forgetting about Minho and his problem and focused on the shit load of work he had to do.


Sorry for this being so short but I wanted to get something out and my next chapters im playing to be over 1k words!

Also! Strays kids come back song omg! So good! Everyone looks good and we even had a little minsung dance thingy!

They look so good in red! I love chans hair too odmvjsmcmskfjwkfmsjcmjsj and the ptui ptui ptui part was chefs kiss!

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They look so good in red! I love chans hair too odmvjsmcmskfjwkfmsjcmjsj and the ptui ptui ptui part was chefs kiss!

They look so good in red! I love chans hair too odmvjsmcmskfjwkfmsjcmjsj and the ptui ptui ptui part was chefs kiss!

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Minho too looks soo good omg! 😱😱😱

Anyway,,,, see you in the next part! STREAM LIKE MAD

Lost in Hope / / MinsungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant