Lost in Hope| 33

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Jisung Pov

"You spelt with Seungmin?!" I whisper yelled. Snapping my head to the left to look at Seungmin and Felix working on home work. I narrowed my eyes at the boy. His pink oversized sweater, messy hair and big round glasses screamed innocence. How could he have sex?

I looked back at the Hyunjin who rolled his eyes.

"We didn't sleep together, take a deep breath." He said bluntly, "I took him out on a date and he crashed at my place after, simple" Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders.

I narrowed my eyes at him this time.

"If you say so" I mumbled.

Hyunjin scoffed but said nothing.

I turned myself towards the to other boys and walked to them. I sat myself next to Seungmin. Hyunjin was watching with suspicious eyes.

"So~" I nudged his shoulder.

He looked at me confused. "So?"

"So~ Why are you here? Did you have sex wit- Ouch!" Hyunjin whipped a roll of paper towel at my head.

"Leave him alone!" Hyunjin yelled, referring to the now flustered boy.

I sighed and got up, rubbing the dull ache on the side of my head. I walked back to Hyunjin, roughly giving him his paper towel back.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and walked over to the coffee pot, pouring the last of it into a cup and enjoying it.

"Why were you at the club?" Hyunjin questioned while sipping the coffee.

"Boys night out," I answered. "Felix was upset over Changbin."

"But didn't Yongbokkie break up with him? Thats what Yongbok said when he left my place."

I leaned against a cabnit, remembering coming home to a broken Felix.

"Yeah, but he and Changbin spent alot of time together and were together for a while... Felix still sees Changbin as his safety pin, it'll take a little bit for him to feel detached from Changbin."

Hyunjin lowered his head. "Changbin must be lonely."

I nodded. Felix was the love of his life, he loved him so much that he was willing to over look the fact that he had cheated on him and move forward. He should be mad and upset. I knew there wasn't something right but it wasn't his problem.

I straighted myself, moving off the cabnit. "What time is it?" I rubbed my head, feeling the advil wearing off.

Hyunjins head preked up and looked over at his phone. "Almost 11, why?" He asked. He moved over to the sink, washing his cup.

"Oh! I got classes at 1!" I rushed over to my stuff on the couch and scooped it up. "Lix?" I called out. He raised his head from the books. "I got classes, you going to stay?"

"For a little bit, Seungmins helping me."

I nodded and walked to the door. Hyunjin followed behind and I turned to hug him. He accepted it and I smiled.

"Thank you for picking us up." I said sheepishly. I scratched my nape in embarrassment.

"No problem, Squrriel."

▪ o ▪

My fingers tingled with excitement as I walked through the university. I was finally studying music! I let out a small gasp as I became closer.

When I got to the door I was bouncing with excitement. I grabbed the door and started to open it when I heard voices in a hushed whisper.

"Wow I can't believe it!" Voice one exclaimed in a whipser.

I opened the door more to see two professor with their backs turned to me.

I noticed no one else in the room which made me blush at how early I must be. How embarrassing.

I was going to speak up but voice two beat me to it.

"I know and thats not the worst, Minhos in hidding." Voice two said.

My hand froze and a numb feeling spread through my body. Minho? My Minho? In hidding?

"It seems a little silly though don't you think?" Voice one asked. The owner of the second voice shrugged.

"If you have a crazy girl that goes around the school campus asking for you but doesn't even get your name right must cause some panic."

Crazy girl? After minho?

I leaned more against the door in hope it wouldn't creek as I opened it more. I bit my lip at the thought of a crazy student following Minho around. But wasn't he the crazy student?

"And to top it all off, she looks like him!" Voice two through his hands up in a way to show sympathy or thats what I guessed.

The owner of voice one shook his head.

"What did she call him by mistake?"


I furrowed my eyebrows.

Then it hit me.

"Minhos mom is after him!" I yelled. I immediately slapped a hand over my mouth but it was to late. The owners of voice one and two were staring at my in shock.


Sorry for such a late update, i have writers block and im working 6 days a week now and im exhausted. Ill try and post more, thank you for so much support!

Lost in Hope / / MinsungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz