Lost in Hope| 22

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Jisung Pov

"Thank you, Hyunjin." I said as he dropped me off at the university.

"No problem, Squirrel Man." He tipped his hat and drove off.

I playfully rolled my eyes, what a piece of work...

I walked with my head down, not thinking too much about my surroundings. This caused me to bump into something. We pretty much bounced off each other and landed on our butts.

"Ow..." The other person said.

I immediately felt bad.

I struggled to get up but I had to help them up.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I asked. He looked up and I smiled, holding my hand out. He took it and I pulled him up. I almost laughed about the height difference, he had to be maybe 3 inches taller but he looked like a baby.

The puppy looking face and the cute glasses. He dusted his closes off.

"I'm fine... Are y-you okay?" He asked back and I held my hand out.

"I'm good. Han Jisung, you?" I introduced myself. He took my hand, shaking it firmly.

"I'm Kim Seungmin, what class are you going to?" He replied.

"Nice to meet you." I said. "I'm going to officially change my classes and what I'm studying. What about you?"

"I'm studying psychology" His eyes twinkled a slightly at the word. "I have business, even though."


"Cool, want me to walk you to that class? It right by administration."

He smiled widely and nodded his head.



We talked as I walked him to Minhos class. He opened the door and smiled at me. I peeked noticing Minho had not yet entered the classroom.

"Thank you, Jisung." He bowed slightly.

"Hey, Seungmin?" He hummed. "Wanna go back to my dorm later? My roommates friendly and you seem like a nice guy."

Seungmin looked at me with surprise. He blinked a little and nodded.

"I have  two more classes after this one, where is your dorm? I'll just head there after the last," He said.

I pulled my phone out, giving it to him.

"Can I have your number? That way I can text you it when your leaving." I asked.

He took the phone and typed his number in. He handed it back, bidding good-bye.

I walked past the room and went to administration.

I knocked on the door and a faint 'come in' was heard. I twisted the door nob and opened the door.

"Hello and how may I help you?" The lady asked. She was a plump lady, shorter then average women. Her curly hair sat just under her ears and it sat weirdly with her round face. Her eyes were small as well as her nose but her mouth curved into a thin unsettling smile.

I walked furrow into the room.

"Hi, um I was wondering if I could change what I am studying?" I timidly asked.

She raised an eyebrow.

"To what, Mister..."

"Han, Han Jisung" I filled in.

She a immediately smiled, her teeth an unnatural white.

"Ah, Han Jisung! if it isn't our winner." She cheered and I chuckled awkwardly. "Come sit, come sit"

I took a seat awkwardly and smiled.

"Now, I am aware that Professor Lee made an arrangement that you to switch to... Drama?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Music." I corrected, digging into my bag and pulling forms out. I set them in front of her and she grabbed glass, slipping them on her nose and looking at it. Her eyebrows were furrowed in focus.

"Now Mister Han, you must know that if you do change you will have to restart totally, from year one and nothing from your current Business courses will be transferred. None of the same teachers or any work. Any work you have been given now can be thrown out or done for extra credit. " She took a breath and look at me. "Are you certain you want to do this, you are excelling in Business as we speak-"

"I would like to change, what do I do?"

"Well, you have payed for another year of business right now, that money will be transferred over and since business is very expensive, you have 2 years payed off including this one. The only year you will have to pay for will be the last one." She finished smiling. She ruffled through her drawer and pulled out a time table. She put it in front of me and pointed to it when she talked about them.

We went through the courses, I signed the form and I payed for all my books.

I left the room feeling giddy and free. My fingers tingled with exciment. Soon I knew that my phone would blow up soon with angry messages from my father.


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