Lost in Hope| 30

886 46 5

Jisung Pov

We arrived at the club. We both walked to the door and payed the cover charge.

"Go on in, Kitten" The bouncer said to Felix and Felix flashed him a smile before walking in with me.

The club was loud, smelled of alcohol, hard to breath, but you wouldn't have it any other way.

Felix immeditaly pulled me to the bar and my eyes widened as I recognized the bar tender. Then I realized we're at there same bar I was last time. "Stay For a While" bar. It was a lot different this time. No Pokemon bag or innocence.

"Hey, long time no see." The bartender said. I chuckled and he nodded. "What will it be?"

I looked at Felix and he shrugged.

"The strongest you got?" I asked and he nodded, grabbing some shot glasses and a bottle. He filled them all up and Felix grabbed 3 and throwing them back and coughing.

I did the same and my head started to feel lighter as we continued to drink more.

Felix was wasted by the end of the night and I definitely couldn't walk straight. The bartender looked at us with a worried expression as Felix had somehow found a microphone and was singing 'Single Laddies' at the top of his lungs. And I was dancing the choreography from 'Boom' by my favorite band, NCT DREAM.

Despite the worried look from the bartender, the crowd was screaming and hyping us up.

The night was going great until Felix slipped and fell off the stage and landed on the ground in a fit of giggles and I was about to throw up.

But other then Felix and I being dragged off the floor by the poor bartender and brought to the backroom where he splashed water on us, it was worth it.

"Do you have anyone I can call to pick you us up?" The bartender asked.

I looked up at him with hooded eyes and started giggling while hiccuping violently. The bartender just rolled his eyes and asked for my phone.

I scoffed.

"Thank you, sIr but I-" I burped loudly. And countined talking while waving my phone at him. "I don't WANT your numb-ber" I slurrered out.

He just looked at me as if I was stupid and grabbed my phone, bugging me for my password until I gave in and he went to contacts.

"How about... "Hyunjin"?" He asked. I nodded and he called him.

Hyunjin answered in a sleepy voice.


"Hello, sorry to bother you but the owner of this phone is wasted drunk at my bar with his friend. Can you pick them up?"

The line was quiet before shuffling was heard and he hummed.

"Send me the location and I'll be there."

The bartender beamed and thanked Hyunjin. He quickly hung up and texted the location of the bar.

I looked over at Felix who was peeled over the chair, passed out and I pointed at him and started laughing my head off.

"Aigo, you guys are a nightmare." He complained.

I glared and him and crossed my arms. "That's meannn~, Hyung, we are juss enjoying ourswleves" I exaggerated.

He rolled his eyes again and I stood up walking- well, more stumbled over to him and lazily pinned him to the wall. He looked at me unimpressed as I was leaning on him.

"Don't wolll your eyesssss!" I huffed. "I am soooo sexy~"

His eyes widened as I leaned in to kiss him and he put an arm on my neck to keep me away but I kept trying.

Soon the door to the back room opened and Hyunjin stood there looking at the seen with shocked eyes but soon tried not to laugh at how I looked.

I turned my head to see him and ran at him, grabbing his head and kissed him.

Hyunjin pushed me off him and scoffed.

"Your so drunk" He mumbled and looked over at Felix who was passed out and smiled. When Felix came over to his appartment they talked things over and agreed to just act like close friends, forgetting about their family and their mistakes.

I looked up at Hyunjin and I was slumped in his arms. He shook his head and turned around, bending down. "Get on."

I nodded lazily and layed myself on his back. He pulled me up and stood up.

"I'll need you to wrap your arms and legs around me tight because I also have to carry Yongbok" He told me.

I hummed, I was close to passing out but I tightened my legs around him and held onto his shoulder. Hyunjin walked over to Felix and picked him up bridal style.

Hyunjin groaned at the now strain on his back. The bartender opened the door and Hyunjin apologized to him for the two of us.

Hyunjin walked us out to his car and dumped us in the back. He conutined to drive us to his appartment knowing not to trust us home alone drunk.

He dragged us up to his appartment and put us on the couch. He grabbed two blanket and made black coffee for the morning. He also put buckets at the ends of the couches for us.

I opened my eyes and looked around to see him doing this.

"Hyunjin-" A voice came out from the bedroom, peeking their head out from the bedroom. "Whats going on?" The sleepy voice asked.

"Go to bed, Seungmin." Hyunjin replied calmly. "I'll come cuddle you in a little bit, ok?"

Seugmin hummed and went back into the room.

Why was Seungmin at Hyunjins appartment? I laied my head down and sighed, letting fatigue take over.



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