Quidditch World Cup

Start from the beginning

     "Ah, there they are!" Sirius suddenly exclaimed with a big smile once he spotted his son, walking toward them along with Teddy.

     "Oh, hi!" Tonks rushed forward, pulling 'Teddy' into a tight embrace, and Sirius gave 'Leo' a hug and patted him on the back.

     "He's my son too, you know," said Remus, smiling warily with his hands in his oversized coat's pockets.

     "Oh, hush. You get to see him all year long," Tonks argued, finally pulling back from Teddy. "I only get to see him over the Christmas break and summer holidays."

     "Not all year." Remus shrugged with a playful smile. "Only twice a week during lessons — which reminds me — both of you did great in your Defense Against the Dark Arts exam."

     "Thanks, Da —" Teddy was saying, but he quickly stopped himself once he caught Leo's glare. "Er — thanks, Uncle Remus."

     "We should better get going soon," said Tonks. "We didn't manage to get a good parking spot. I had to use a Spacious Charm to park it between to other cars."

"You go on. We still have to wait for Leda," said Sirius. "See you at the World Cup."

"See ya," said Tonks, and so they all waved at Sirius and 'Leo'. Although before walking off, the two boys grinned at each other. It was going to be a legendary prank.

"Sorry your mum couldn't make it, by the way," said Sirius, his eyes on the brick-made barrier between platform nine and ten as they waited for Leda to appear. "You know how busy she is these days."

"It's okay. I understand," said Teddy, who was imitating Leo's voice to the best of his abilities. Although it was proving to be harder than he had expected, because his powers were taking too much of his energy.

"Really?" Sirius raised a surprised brow at him before grinning. "You always complain when your mum isn't around, being the big mama's boy that you are."

"No, I'm not!" Teddy retorted in the same nagging tone that Leo usually spoke in. But he secretly agreed with Sirius. Leo really was a mama's boy, and Teddy always used to tease him about this as well.

"There's Leda," said Teddy, pointing at the barrier where she appeared through, pushing her trolley.

Victoire came right after her, and then she waved Leda goodbye, going to search for her own parents through the crowd.

"Leda! Over here!" Sirius shouted over the loud chatter of the crowd around them and stretched out his arm to wave a hand in order to catch her attention.

The moment Leda caught sight of her father, she broke into a big smile, her face brightening up.

"Dad!" Leda squealed happily, leaving her trunks behind and running toward Sirius, jumping to hug him.

"Hello, my little princess." Sirius laughed, picking her up for a moment before putting her back down. "Merlin's Beard, you've grown up so much since Christmas!"

Leda giggled, going to take her trolley so they could leave.

"Here, let me carry that for you," said Sirius, taking the trolley's handle from Leda.

"Thanks, Dad," said Leda, although she frowned the next moment when she caught her brother looking over at Victoire's direction, who was greeting her parents on the other side of the station.

"Leo? Oi!" Leda smacked her brother on his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" Teddy blinked a few times, bringing his attention back to Leda.

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