Thirteen. end.

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         It had been hours since Uncle Rich left me tied to the chair in my dad's old office. Night had fallen and the building was dark and silent. I had screamed and picked and struggled to get free, but it was no use. 

      My phone started ringing in my pocket and I yelped, startled. I couldn't reach it or answer it and I looked around to see if Uncle Rich had returned. I squinted through the darkness, but saw nothing. I scooted the chair closer to the desk and managed to crack open one of the drawers. 

       I pushed the chair back and the drawer came free of the desk and fell on the floor. I could see the scissors in the corner, just waiting to cut me free. I tipped over in the chair and wiggle my wrist a little loose and grabbed at the scissors. I managed to hold on to them after a few failed tries and turned them between my fingers. The way my hands were tied made it impossible to open them all the way and scissor myself free, so I had to saw at the duct tape, quickly.

      My heart was pounding loudly and every few seconds, I would glance around the dark room and make sure Uncle Rich wasn't watching me, amused. 

       I finally had one hand free and I ripped the tape loose from my other hand and stood to my feet, wiggling my numb fingers. Relieved, I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

      I pressed redial, not remembering who I'd called last. 

     " Hello?"

     " Thierry!"

    " Dawn? Where are you? We're worried sick about-"

     " It's my uncle, Thierry. I'm at my dad's-" The phone was knocked from my hand and a sharp slap sent me sprawling on the floor.

      " What did I tell you!" Uncle Rich bellowed, cocking his pistol and pointing it at me.  " I specifically remember telling you that it would be easier if you just cooperated!"

      " You're insane, Uncle Rich!" I shouted, terrified, crawling out direct shot, if he decided to fire. He followed every move I made, though, pistol held high and tight. " It's me, Dawn. You're favorite niece!" 

     " Dawn, family is not as important as getting my life back. I have to do this." He said, eyes flashing. 

      " Please! In a month, I'll have the money. I'll give it all to you, I promise!" I begged, finding myself backed up against the wall.

      " I don't trust you, nor do I have a month to wait, Dawn." He was oddly calm again, his eyes were glassy and wide. I was sucking in deep breaths, mind racing. 

      " No, Dawn. " He said, quietly, raising his gun at me again. 

     I screeched and darted out of his path as the gun went off once and I thought it was over, but when I looked back he was still there. He shot again and I ducked behind the desk, trying to find a way out in the dark. The dim light that I had came from the street lights outside. 

     I made a run for the door, but was too slow and I heard the shot go off. The sound will forever ring in my nightmares. I felt white-hot searing pain after a moment of dazed confusion over what had just happened. I looked down at my shirt to see the dark circle growing larger at my side by the second. I dropped, gasping for air. 

      He tutted, came closer, and squatted down at my side. I reached out for help, unable to talk through the pain, but he just shook his head. 

      " Dawn. " Like I was a child that had misbehaved and needed punishment. " Now you knew better than to do that. Now you're going to die earlier than I'd planned." 

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