-Book of questions-

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Warning, extremely short


He likes to think of his thoughts as a book, flipping through the pages which held questions and memories, stopping on some questions to see if he can find an answer or pausing on a memory that he wanted to reminisce on. The pages of his book usually flipped by very quickly, flooding his mind with questions with no answers. This is what usually happened but today, one question, one page plagued his mind, he tried to think about something else but he kept returning to this one question, like he was stuck on one single page of that book, a question that had no real answer, kind of like a rhetorical question. Said question that lingered in his mind; if the purpose of life is whatever you make it, what is my purpose?

He pondered on this question, having given up trying to distract himself from it as he was unable to.

Years later, after leaving the SMP and moving to a server that was made to help people with trauma, Tommy tried to hold back his tears, having finally found out the purpose of his own life. To learn to heal.


197 words

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