-A beautiful place-

317 10 1

I named this AU, Healed trauma AU

(Not edited so it may be bad)

Tommy's information

Tommy is partially deaf from being close to so many loud noises



When Tommy supposedly 'died' in the prison. He wasn't dead. He was only unconscious but it wasn't just a coincidence that he woke up, and he didn't just happened to wake up when Dream said the spell in the revive book. The spell that he used was actually the spell to make an unconscious person conscious again. Dream didn't know that though, so he thought Tommy was revived. 

As Tommy was leaving the prison, later that week, Sam waited for Tommy. When he got to the other side, he was shot. An arrow to the chest. As Tommy fell back he heard Sam thanking Tubbo and saying that he (Tommy) knew too much. Then it went red and white text appeared in front of him.

Tommyinnit was shot by Tubbo_ (0 cannon lives)

Then it all went black.

When he awoke he saw a beautiful sunset, one that looked like it was from a children's story book. Whatever that would have looked like. Tommy had never seen a children's book before, he never got the chance to, he grew up in war and never got a proper childhood. As he sat up he saw many flowers and plants, with a little house sat in an opening between the trees. He got up and started making his way to the house, stepping across a small river with sea pickles in it. He  got to the house and saw a letter on the doormat, addressed to him. When he opened the letter, it said:

Dear Mr. Tommyinnit,

You recently died and have been put in the AN&TS unit. The AN&TS unit is for Abused, neglected and traumatised souls. This is your new home for now. We were going to give you a phone call instead but realised that you are deaf. A paper will appear in front of you when you are ready to tell up about your life. Don't worry, you aren't alone. A man named 'Mexican Dream' will be here shortly to keep you company, he will also give you a hearing aid. Your pets are here and will be staying with you. If you were wondering, the disks are not here. They have caused you pain. Although, we have given you a music disk that is in your house. You will he able to listen to it as it is enchanted with an unknown enchantment called "Deaf breaker". It is specifically made for deaf people to be able to hear.

When you get the paper, it will ask a few questions about your life, you do not have to complete it as soon as you get it and only the person who wrote this letter has access to the document. You won't be able to take damage or die here, you won't loose hunger or stamina but can still eat. You can build and do whatever you want here, there is a strip mine at diamond level. The one thing that is necessary for you to do is sleep.

Sincerely Kate, from the AN&TS unit

Once Tommy had finished the letter, the sun had set but no mobs were spawning. He quickly made his way inside to find a music disk on a juke box. He decided against putting it in and waited until the next day.

The next day, at around 3:30, Mexican Dream arrived and from that day on they both had fun, they were best friends. Tommy had completed the questions and it disappeared out of his hands, leaving a box of new netherite tools (minus a sword).

It was a peaceful place and because of this:

A beautiful place


634 Words

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