-Never have I ever, secrets revealed-

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Mentions of death

Personal headcanon, Tommy is Asexual, bi-romantic, with more of a preference towards females.


"Never have I ever" Wilbur said, dragging the 'r' in "ever", before thinking for a second and continuing, "dyed my hair"

Tubbo was the only person to put their finger down.

"What colour?" Wilbur questioned, to which Tubbo answered,
"I bleached it, but didn't like it so I dyed it back to brown. Though, this brown is a bit lighter than what it was before I dyed it."
"That's so cool man." Wilbur complimented.
"I agree with Wil, mate."
Tommy just hummed in agreement.

A few more turns go by before it gets back to Wilbur. The next question that he asked was, "Never have I ever gotten a permanent tattoo or ink on my skin."

Phil put his finger down and showed them a tattoo on his ankle, it was just a simple one with it being a moon that didn't have much detail on it but still a little bit.
"What's the reason behind it, if it has one?" Tubbo questioned.
"I got it when Kristen was here, we got matching ones, hers was a sun, mines a moon."
"That's really cool!" Tubbo exclaimed.

Who no one expected to put their finger down was Tommy, but he did.
"Wait- the gremlin child has a tattoo?" Wilbur practically laughed while Tommy grumbled under his breath.
"Yeah, I did. So, what?" Tommy said rolling his eyes.
"What was it? A small one on your wrist? Did it hurt?" Wilbur teased while Phil, Tubbo and Ranboo giggled.
"What are you laughing about?! You haven't even got a Tatoo! But, if you want to know, then I guess I could show you." Tommy stated.
They were expecting him to show them his wrist or shoulder and it to be a really small one. They didn't expect him to take off his shirt and turn around and there to be a tattoo of a pair of wings with a skull between them and a rose bush tattoo crawling from just above his pants up to his shoulder.

 They didn't expect him to take off his shirt and turn around and there to be a tattoo of a pair of wings with a skull between them and a rose bush tattoo crawling from just above his pants up to his shoulder

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The skull is between some of the vines from the rose bush one

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The skull is between some of the vines from the rose bush one. (Not my pictures/drawings)

"The rose bush and skull were two different ones. It really hurt, I had three breaks during the skull, it took about two hours. The Rose bush took about an hour and I had one break" Tommy explained before putting his shirt back on and turning back around.
The others stared in shock, not expecting Tommy to have two Tattoos, never mind two big ones.
"Sooo, do you mind telling why you got them if you have a reason?" Phil asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, I got the skull with wings because my friend, erm, passed- and the rose bush was where I found my first pet. It was a stray dog's litter that out of six, one survived. The mother had also passed. We had the pup for about three years, she was a lovely dog." Tommy explained again, brushing over the more sad parts.

"I also have another one, it was a ace of spades card on my thigh, just above my knee and I had it coloured about a month ago, it was my first one." Tommy said, seriously.
"Anyways, who's turn is next?" Tommy asked.
"Oh- it's yours, Tommy." Phil answered.
"OK then, never have I ever told my closest friends that I am asexual, bi-romantic."
Everyone turned their heads towards Tommy, who laughed at their shocked faces.
The first person to speak up was Wilbur, who just said "what", causing Tommy to laugh even more before he lost air and had to take a drink to calm down from coughing.
"Yeah I've been planning to come out to you for a while, and now was the perfect time."


I don't know how to end this so, I'm going to explain the ending.
They all accepted him and they each got tattoo to show that they accepted him. Although, Tubbo got a custom bracelet instead of a tattoo because he didn't want to get a tattoo or anything permanent on his skin.


None of the pictures are mine.

704 words

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