-Not myself-

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Out-of-body experience?

Mention of violence

Not being in control of their body

Mention of death

Car crash



I know this gets boring sometimes but Cottagecore Tommy, Goblincore Dream.

This is through the Exile arc, and the prison arc, they have 4 cannon lives instead of 3 but everyone over the age of eight years have lost that first cannon life, and Tommy didn't die in the prison.

Spirits and souls can understand the language they had originally but can only speak a different language. Tommy and Dream's is Greek.

Tommy's nickname- Thanasis Meaning- noble Origin- Greek (pronounced Than-a-sis)
Dream's nickname- Drakon Meaning-Dragon Origin- Greek (pronounced Dra-con)


You may know what an Out-of-body experience is. You may have even had one yourself. But ever since that night where he had been given a pocket watch, eleven years ago, things weren't the same in one young boy's life. He'd had an Out-of-body experience before, it wasn't too bad but this time he was on his way to school and almost hit while crossing a road. Time seemed to freeze at that very moment where the car was inches away, the boy was sat there staring at his body standing in front of him, time suddenly continued and he watched as his body got hit, the driver speeding off down the road. A hit and run car accident. The boy didn't feel the pain of the car colliding with his lifeless body. He just watched it happen.

Now at sixteen years old he watched as the young boy lay there, helpless, as he was beat half to death by a man in a porcelain mask. That same man sat by him, also watching. Tommy, the boy, had made friends with the man in the mask, Dream was his name. Tommy had made up a fake name for each of them so they don't get confused between themselves and their living selves. Tommy's nickname is Thanasis and it means noble, Dream's is Drakon and it means Dragon, both are of Greek origin.

Thanasis had been there for over eleven years, while Drakon had only been there for nine. They learned the language they speak by listening to what they are saying and what they wanted to say. They had only learned after they found eachother because they had no one to talk to before that as did Drakon. They learned to speak English again by listening to what was going on in the real world and copying their words. All while finding out things about the other.

Drakon was nicer that the heartless manipulator and Thanasis was both happier and stronger than the weak child in in the real world.


Thanasis and Drakon found out that they can touch things but not each other and they had been fed up with what was happening. They smashed both the mask and the pocket watch before being thrown into their bodies and passing out. When they woke up and saw eachother for the first time they were hesitant but hugged, both of them melted into the touch for not being touched for years. Thanasis no longer had the pocket watch and Drakon no longer had the mask. They were safe.

Later in the week, as the lava wall was lifted and the small bridge was pushed over, Thanasis hid Drakon behind him, both of them going through the barrier that was supposed to keep Dream from escaping and managed to sneak Drakon out of the prison without Sam knowing. Drakon was hid in Tommy's house for a while as Thanasis was building a new house somewhere far away, Thanasis got both of them out of the place and into the Hobbit house that he built.

Over the six years they were gone, Thanasis is 23 years and had grown four inches taller, which resulted in him being two inches taller than Drakon who is 27 years old and still 6'3, Thanasis learned to cook so he could make a bakery and café combined. Drakon often went to the nearest village, so he could sell the items he collected for money to get things Thanasis couldn't grow in the garden or other ingredients like milk. They had forgotten about the SMP for now as it is a distant memory.


One night a terrible storm hit, both Drakon and Thanasis were safe because their house is in the side of a hill, but some nearby travellers weren't. They got caught in the storm and were seeking shelter but couldn't find any, luckily Thanasis was collecting things from the garden and saw them lying there. Thanasis took them in, they were passed out for a few hours before waking up. He had stayed in the room where they were in (which was a basement with two extra rooms, one was a bedroom with 4 beds), while Drakon made some chamomile tea for them to help with colds. One of the travellers were a ram hybrid, one was a human, the others were close to human but weren't.

When they woke up they freaked out.

"Who are you?!" The brunette in the brown jacket shouted.

"We are locals who took you in, out of the storm." Drakon replied, giving the last cup of tea to the ram hybrid before turning to Thanasis and asking to speak to him, then walking out of the room with Thanasis.

Please remember that this conversation is in Greek and the others can not understand them.

"I recognise these people from somewhere." Drakon said, starting the conversation.

"I do as well." Thanasis said agreeing with the shorter man in front of him.

"Where do you remember them from?" The dirty-blond asked curiously.

"That place we ran from, I think it was called the Dream SMP?"

"That's what I remember as well!"

"We should go back, they where probably trying to listen to our conversation." Drakon laughed walking back to the door, before knocking on.

The door opened and allowed them to enter.

"So can I ask your names? Drakon said walking in, Thanasis following behind.

After introductions

They all walked up the stairs, before showing them around the small but cozy house. As they walked in the kitchen, the first thing the visitors noticed was a smiling, white mask in a case that was hung on the wall. They all recognised it almost instantly.

"I knew I recognised you from somewhere Dream!" Tubbo, the ram hybrid, spoke pointing at Drakon.

"I'm sorry but we don't know who this Dream is." Thanasis stated, emphasising the word Dream.


1111 Words

Please give me some ideas for a part 2 to this.

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