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This contains a LGBTQ+ version of Tommyinnit, if you do not like it do not read it.
In this Tommy is non-binary and will go by They/them pronouns.
I will be calling them they/them for the entirety of this oneshot, even before they find out their gender identity.
This is inspired by
1. Someone who also did a 'Non-binary Tommy' AU who I can't remember the username of.
And 2. A clip from one of Eret's streams.
This is cringy.

Tommy, Wilbur and Jack where walking through Brighton and they noticed a shop with some very pretty dresses in the front windows.
Tommy had been struggling with their gender identity for the past few months, not feeling like a boy but still wanting to wear masculine clothing, not feeling like a girl but feeling sudden urges to wear feminine clothing and makeup. They hadn't looked too far into it but had been researching gender identities.

Tommy had been speaking to Eret about this, they had been watching a lot of Eret's streams within the past few months, even though they weren't all that close, Tommy admired her. Eret told by Tommy to look into a gender identity called "non-binary", Tommy wasn't sure on what it was but had a brief run-over it in the past, finding that it is a term used by people who don't relate to or identify as a binary gender such as female or male, Tommy wanted to look deeper into it.

Tommy often made it clear on their channel and social media that the LGBTQ+ community was amazing and that they supported them. They would often be mistook as gay, and a meme was made from them "forgetting straight people exist" and people calling them a lesbian.

Anyways, Tommy looked into the term non-binary and found they related to most of the explanations given, it still didn't give them an explanation to why he wanted to wear dresses. They then opened a new tab and searched the name of the shop they walked by today. They clicked on the first link and started looking at the prices, most of it was under £40, Tommy then started scrolling down, looking at each of them, picking out four skirts and one dress they liked, logging into the site before adding them to the basket and paying. With all the money they were getting from twitch, they kept around £80 for new clothes and personal hygiene items.

The skirts were £20 to £28, one of them was supposed sit just half-way down their thigh, it was a light shade of blue, another of them was supposed to be ankle length, it was a pink-ish red, and the others were supposed to fall just below the knees, one being a dark purple with lace at the end, the other a dull, dark green with a black belt to match. The dress was £34.99 and was said to be ankle length. In all of them, they chose two sizes above their regular size as feminine clothing would be smaller than masculine clothing.

Tommy had recently bought some white doc Martens to try out, not thinking they would like wearing them but ending up wearing them out when not on stream. They would match the clothing perfectly.

When the clothing arrived the next week, Tommy looked into the gender-identity, now certain that they are non-binary. They tried the clothing on and it fit perfectly and they were comfortable in it.

Fast forward a three months
(they came out the their parents and they accepted them).

Tommy had been wearing makeup, platform boots and dresses off stream and outside (not in collage though), putting on a wig so people don't recognize them. They had only really told Eret and their parents, they hadn't told any of the other Dream SMP members yet

Twirling around their living room they danced waiting for a reply from Tubbo. Tommy realised that Tubbo was supposed to visit today. He was supposed to be there in five minutes. And Tommy was wearing a ankle length, dark red skirt, a black school blouse, their knee high, 7 inch platform boots (his tallest ones), and had done their full makeup routine. Tommy didn't want to waste any makeup, plus it took an hour to do it so they kept in on . They quickly took off their boots and replaced it with some dark blue jeans. Slipping their boots back on then lying on their bed.

About a minute later the door creaked open and they saw Tubbo standing there. Tommy sat up and greeted the shorter boy, Tommy stood up and towered over him, I mean, they are already taller than him. but in the boots they were wearing, they stood at 6'8 and Tubbo was 5'6.
"Hey big man, how are you so tall? Your way taller that the last time we were together" Tubbo asked while Tommy cringed at the name.
"Yeah... I'm wearing 7 inch platforms." Tommy admitted, sounding like he was joking.
"Surely not, funny joke big man."
"No, Tubbo, I'm serious, I've been meaning to tell you that I would be taller, the next time we met."
"Seriously? Pog! What else did you want to talk about?"
"Well, I did some research in the LGBTQ+ community and..."
"I talked to Eret and he told me to look at a gender identity called 'non-binary', I am no longer male but not female either."
"So what you're saying is that you are non-binary?"
"Yes I am and I go by they/them pronouns." Tommy explained.
"I just realised that you're wearing makeup! It's really good by the way." Tubbo said quickly, "I just unknowingly got you a present!"
"What?" Tommy said surprised
"Mother-dearest was throwing out all the makeup she didn't wear and gave the ones that were till in-date to me to give to your mum, but she said "sorry I don't wear makeup anymore but thanks for the offer!", I said 'Your welcome' and she took me up to your room." Tubbo explained giving Tommy the plastic bag he was holding "so you can have these!"
"Thanks, Tubbo, tell your mum I said thanks as well." Tommy thanked.
"Oh and if you're 'Mother' has any skirts or dresses, give 'em to me, also I want to show you something." Tommy said walking over to their wardrobe (for Americans 'closet') and taking out a skirt long skirt.
The night ended with Tubbo nipping home, getting a bag, putting some spare clothes and sanitary items in it and going back, having a sleepover. (We pretend the pandemic doesn't exist for this one).

The next day

Tommy and Tubbo decided to stream and Tommy wanted to come out to the internet and so they started the stream up like usual, putting a tweet up. But instead of Just sitting and humming they hummed while painting his and Tubbo's nails (Tubbo wanted them painted).
"Right, so now most people are here I will be on the Dream SMP and have an announcement for later in the stream that is something "serious" which I don't really think is that big of a deal." Tommy announced, doing air-quotation marks around 'serious'.
Tubbo had brought his laptop with him and wasn't streaming.

Later in the stream

Tommy had gathered everyone, Dream, Tubbo, Technoblade, Quackity, Wilbur, Niki, everyone.
"Everyone here?" Tommy asked.
Thet heard everyone say 'Yes' in the discord call.
"So I told Tubbo personally yesterday and I wanted to tell you all together."
"I am Non-binary and I'm proud" they said holding up a Non-binary pride flag.
Cheers were heard in in call. And Tommy's phone lit up with thousands of notifications. Tommy smiled as their chat spammed things like "Pog".

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