Chapter 3: -21 Years Later-

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Poltergiests. Worst things to ever exist. I had already taken down six, but I still had five left. Hunting monsters may seem hard, but after years of practice, things get easier. Dean was in another area of the warehouse, taking care of some of his own angry poltergeists.

You might be confused, so let me catch you up on what happened in the last 21 years. Mom was killed by something, no one knows what it was, Dad went crazy and began hunting for the thing responsible for mom's death, Sam left to college to have a normal life and I don't blame him, I mean, I would've probably done the same, and Dad's been MIA for about a few weeks now, which was more unusual than before. Me and Dean have been worried, trying to find him, but we've been slowed down by these creatures.

I killed the rest of them, my messy blonde hair falling into my eyes as I pushed the last poltergiest to the floor, hovering over him, plunging the iron stake into his heart. I straightened up, wiping the blade on my jeans, then I brushed my hair back, leaving a slight smear of blood. I heard a noise behind me, so I quickly spun around, raising my stake like a bat, ready to swing at whatever it was, but it was just Dean. "You scared me" I said, sighing in relief, dropping the iron stake to the floor with a clank.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded, "yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"You got blood all over you. You're not hurt are you?" He asked, coming up to me.

"Na, i'm good" I said.

Dean nodded, unconvinced, "Alright, well lets get back to the motel"

I nodded, then we left.

When we walked into our room, I slipped into the bathroom after grabbing my bag with my clothes, and looked at my reflection. I was covered in blood and my blonde hair was twisted and falling out of my rubber band, matted with blood as well. I sighed, then pulled the rubber band out and managed to brush my hair out. I moved away from the counter and slipped out of my blood-stained clothes, stepping into the shower after turning it on...


I sighed in frustration after calling dad for the 10 millionth time, failing each time. I tossed my phone onto my bed, not knowing what to do. Sammy was gone to college and dad was god knows where, the only one left was Carter. I paced for a while, then looked up as Carter walked in, dropping her bag beside her bed, then she plopped herself down on her bed, "You okay, Carter?" I asked, leaning against the dresser.

She nodded, "yeah, just exhausted." She said.

I sat on my bed, "what are we going to do about dad?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I really don't know. We've tried calling him and he never answers" she replied.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, completely stressed.

Carter got up and sat beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, Dean, we'll find him" she said, laying her head on my shoulder.

"I know, Carter, but he's never been gone this long" I said.

"I know, but we have to keep going" she said, "just relax. We'll figure something out"

I sighed, "you're right"

She smiled, then got up and went back to her bed, sitting on it, running a hand through her hair.

I had to admit, she was really pretty with her smooth light skin, blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. She wasn't really my sister, so I could say that, right? Whatever, either way, she was incredibly pretty.

She sighed, then said, "alright, well let's just relax for the night. We'll figure something out in the morning"

I nodded, "alright" I said, watching as she laid down, falling asleep instantly.

I smiled a bit then turned off the light and fell asleep...

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