"I could never hate you, you're my best friend," Ralph replied and I could practically hear him smiling as he said that. I tried to respond but I couldn't find the words to say. It was as if suddenly I'd forgotten everything I've ever learned about speaking and English. I allowed silence to fill both ends of the phone until Ralph broke it. "Would this has something to do with the fact that Kyle has a girlfriend?"

I felt the amount of tears running down my already wet face increase and I pushed passed the people walking next to me to sit on a bench next to a lightpost. I felt so lightheaded right now, my thoughts were eating away at me. Maybe I was just lonely. A little over a year ago, I was sitting at a table on a double date with Chris and his now wife, Chrissy. I was on a date with a girl. Maybe I wasn't gay, maybe I was lonely.

But then he came back into my thoughts. My thoughts suddenly were filled with him, everything about him. His smile, his laugh, the way his eyes sparkled when I was around, just him. I wasn't lonely, I was in love with him.. or maybe I didn't love him yet. I guess that was something that could be determined later on though. Right now I knew that I didn't want Kyle to just be my friend. "The girlfriend is fake." I managed to mumble out after what seemed like an hour of silence.

"Lucky you then." Ralph laughed then suddenly stopped. "Wait.. I.. uh.. I guess I just assumed that you were going to come out to me. I've never seen you look at anyone the way you look at Kyle and I.." he paused for a moment. "If you're not gay and I'm not reading things correctly, this is probably so awkward for you and I'm really, really sorry."

"You're right," I replied into the phone. He seemed to be okay with it, but then again I wasn't with him in person. People can completely fake their emotions over a phone call, it wouldn't be that hard to do.

"I knew it," he blurted out, causing me to smile a bit. "But if his girlfriend's fake then why are you so upset? Kyle looks at you the same way you look at him. The both of you are so in love with each other but are too scared to say anything about it. It's almost painful for the rest of us to watch."

"I know how he feels, we've kissed and cuddled and he's also held my hand but.." I took a deep breath and looked down at my converse that were pressed against the concrete sidewalk. "Our managers think it's... wrong. He has to have a fake girlfriend to hide us and so far, everyone has fallen for it. Management has even went as far as too make me tell him that I thought our relationship was wrong."

"Dan, what the hell." Ralph's tone of voice quickly changed to anger. "We all know that your relationship is not wrong and they can't make you say something like that to him. If anything is wrong in all of this, it is the way they're treating the two of you. You're not their puppets, they can't just force you to-"

"Ralph, it's over. I told Kyle that I thought it was wrong because if I didn't.." I bit down on my lip softly. "If I didn't, we would be saying bye bye to Bastille. He believed me and I am pretty sure that I've won the 'Worst Boyfriend Ever' award if that's even a thing. We're their puppets."

"No, you really aren't. You're not just pieces of fabric sewn together that they can attach to strings and make do whatever sounds good to them. I'm not going to let you become their little toy that they can order around just for fun." I lifted my eyes from the concrete to look at the courthouse. The bell was ringing and it told me exactly what time it was, eight. I noticed how much darker it had gotten already from when I left the bus so I figured I'd probably have to get back soon. Damn the sun and it setting earlier each day. "Daniel Campbell Smith, you go back to wherever the hell Kyle is and you tell him exactly how much he means to you. I don't give a damn what your managers say and if they want to pick a fight, I sure as hell am going to help you win it. Now go."

Before I had a chance to respond, the phone line went dead which left me all by myself. I only had two choice now, go back to Kyle and fight or give into those assholes. I think my choice was pretty obvious.

{I'm so sorry for hardly updating oh my god. I've been so busy with solo and ensemble, this musical, packing, and some other things that's going on. I'm going to do my best to try to keep updating regularly but I'm not going to promise anything. If anything, March 29th which is the day after solo and ensemble, I'll be updating loads again. So so sorry..}

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