𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲

Start from the beginning

"For someone like you, you're awfully stupid to even think of mentioning the king's name." I'm not even surprised by her actions. It's people like her who need to learn their places and to know they don't belong on my arm. I smelled the leech as soon as she came to speak to me. They're hungry for more, always hungry for more. Greedy bitches. Alexei didn't even falter by her actions as if he saw what was coming.

She chuckled pushing her body closer to mine. To say the least, she was dressed scandalously. The purple dress owing no imagination. It was clear she tried to push her breasts up to make it look like they were a lot bigger than they were. She sensuously rubbed her palm over my arm. It didn't affect me. Rather I wanted to cut her hand off simply because no one would dare to do such a thing. Besides, I wanted to see the reaction of the man whose sister, step-sister is my fiance.

However, he was calm as always.

"I'm going to get Anastasia," Alexei announced getting up from his stool. On hearing her name, my senses heightened. Isabelle's face turned sour as if she had smelt something putrid.

"Can't stand the scene?" I teased.

He bored me with black eyes. "Can't stand her." He nudged his head towards Isabelle.

"Feeling's mutual brother, Isabelle spat.

"I couldn't care less," He waved her like she was a fly on his pasta. Climbing the staircase, he disappeared behind the walls.

"I can't believe that bitch," The leech on my arm spat with hate.

"Who?" I enquired.


"Hmm. I thought she was your cousin?" I sipped whiskey.

"Cousin? My ass. She's a leech. A gold digger. A life-taker. I don't know why you would even agree to marry her when you know what happened! If only it was the other way around.." She hung the sentence by sighing.

"What does that mean?"

She batted her fake eyelashes getting a little closer, if not possible. She was now practically gluing herself to me.

"If only I were in her place, it would have been the perfect match."

Ah, look who's talking. Who is the leech now? The gold digger?

"I can show you heights of pleasure. Maybe we should ditch the party. I know a place, no one will find us. Just you and me. " She licked her lips. She was trying to seduce me. If it were another man, he would probably have said yes. Yet I didn't even need a second to consider. I couldn't say yes to her.

"Let me get this straight, you want to fuck me." I didn't hide the offending tone.

"We can do so much more than just fuck," She was close to me. Her over-scented perfume and the wine hovered on my ear. Did she pour the whole bottle of perfume on or something?

"I don't do more than fuck," I supplied. My eyes were stone cold. I knew a few curious glances being thrown at us. I heard their whispers. But what do I care? After all, I had a bad reputation to maintain.

"Then we can fuck."

I chuckled at how desperate she sounded, like a dog in heat.

"I have standards of whom I fuck."

"And I've got mine, you fit flawlessly into the list. I'll suck and ride your cock like no other," Again the basic lip lick.

The batting of the eyelashes. "Anastasia the nun won't ever be able to give you what I can."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Haven't you heard? She's a complete nun."

A nun she says. Hmm.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now